Culture Journalists

Browse the directory of culture journalists below. We found 272 culture journalists listed.

Melanie Heisinger

Content Manager

I'm a driven writer that wears many different hats. I enjoy writing copy for any and all types of publications and topics. Writing has always been a passion of mine and is something I enjoy sharing with others. Another hat I wear is that of a Social Media Manager. I enjoy engaging audiences while navigating the nuances and complexities of what it takes to be successful in that space. Please email me at [email protected] for any inquiries.

Anne-Frances Hutchinson

writer and editor

Introducing your newest secret weapon: a seasoned, spectacular business writer who never met a deadline she couldn’t beat. I’m a full stack generalist with particular strengths in technology, healthcare, energy, industrial, and medical devices. My writing has been featured in BOSS Magazine, Energy Digital, Healthcare Digital, and more. Past clients include Captricity, HackerOne, Hologic, GE Security, L-3 and others.

United States of America

Ana Hernández

Content Editor & Writer / Digital Marketer / Researcher / Translator

I'm a content editor, writer and digital marketer with a good understanding of SEO practices, social media and email marketing.

Laure Siegel


Basée à Bangkok, je couvre les évènements en Asie du Sud et du Sud-est pour divers médias francophones et anglophones. Une sélection de web-séries, reportages TV, analyses, portfolios.

Marian Marval Díaz


Venezuelan journalist with more than 10 years of experience in writing, TV production and digital media in US and Venezuela. My passion is investigative journalism and delivering information in new ways of storytelling. I have worked as a journalist for international media like CNN en Español, Telemundo, El Nuevo Herald and El Nacional, from Venezuela. I love traveling and learn from different cultures and experiences.

United States of America

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Kevin Felt

Seasoned journalist/teacher with overseas experience and a knack for narrative

I recently returned to the U.S. after working in China since 2005, teaching English, Journalism, Business and Western Culture-related courses at three Chinese Universities, while immersing myself in the language and culture. Previously, I worked for six years as a staff reporter at the Pasadena Star-News, San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Whittier Daily News and affiliated weekly newspapers in the suburbs of Los Angeles. I juggled a handful of different city beats, covering both breaking news and features, in addition to spending time on the business desk. My beats included everything from profiles of up-and-coming local musicians to the opaque dealings of secretive city councils. I parsed business earnings reports of major corporations and dug into the impact of the skyrocketing housing prices on local people. From an in-depth look at the behind-the-scenes development of a local high school musical from casting to curtain calls to quirky profiles of one-armed jugglers and a deaf pianist, I love finding the human story at the heart of every decision. In addition to daily deadlines, I frequently contributed photographs, video and social media presence. I have a bachelor's degree in print journalism and a master's degree in intercultural studies. I have a passion for helping people to gain a better understanding of the world and one another.

United States of America

Rachel Waters

Life sciences copywriter and content strategist

Though I've been a writer throughout my personal and professional life, it wasn't until 2021 that I found my true ikigai*. Merging my lifelong fascination with medicine with a deep need to pursue a more hopeful career path through my late mom's journey with Alzheimer's and cancer, life sciences copywriting quenched my curiosity and ignited an enduring passion for the pharma and biotech sector. * Ikigai (生き甲斐, lit. 'a reason for being') is a Japanese concept that refers to that which gives a person a sense of purpose in life.


Karl Saint Lucy

Culture & Lifestyle Writer

Karl Saint Lucy is a journalist in the arts and entertainment, LGBTQ+, and mental health spaces. He is published in Grindr's digital queer magazine, INTO; and Metro US, the largest free daily circulation newspaper in the U.S. A musician by training, he sold one of his musicals, F**king Identical Twins, to 20th Century Fox in 2016; and he was a finalist for the Grammy Award-winning men's vocal ensemble, Chanticleer, in 2017.

United States of America

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Alice Dodd

Freelance copywriter and content creator

A British content creator and copywriter, experienced in creating engaging copy across blog posts, features, and social media. Skilled in SEO, long-form, and writing sponsored content in-line with the needs of the publication, the brand, and the consumer. I prioritise using the copy I create to reflect each client's unique tone and voice. I am constantly inspired by meeting new people and delighting in the wonders of foreign cultures. For examples of social media, please feel free to contact me: [email protected]

Sally White

Teacher, Writer

On paper, I appeared ready. I had earned a Master's Degree in Secondary Education, boasting A's in all my classes and top-tier Praxis scores. I had learned, much to my dismay, how to step out of a fist-fight, should one occur in the cafeteria. (Step- and turn- and "Teacher! Stop!") I remember thinking that fight choreography had not been required before starting my job at the insurance company. I was not ready. I still recall the anxiety swelling in my stomach as my first period students rolled in for the first time. One girl entered riding piggyback on a classmate, spraying her hair from an aerosol can, cackling the whole way. I told myself I would chronicle my first-year adventures in a memoir for other newbies. It was going to be the teacher's equivalent of the book that had saved me years earlier as a new mom, How My Breasts Saved the World, Misadventures of a Nursing Mother, by Lisa Wood Shapiro. I never wrote that memoir. As it turns out, teachers have approximately zero time for writing books. What I have done instead is spend 13 years in the trenches of public education. I have known the joy, the pride, the love; I have known the anxiety, the disappointment, the despair. I have learned that the kids who are tardy today will probably also be tardy tomorrow, and that the ones in the front row who turn all the papers the same way might just save my life. I have confirmed what I had always suspected, that teachers are the best people in the world. And I have discovered that our survival in the profession quite literally depends on laughter.