Rachel Waters

United States

I've been a lot of things in life: A gothic fashion model (it's ok to laugh), a federal investigator, a cat nanny. But through it all, I've been a writer.

Over the last 12 years, my work has appeared in more than 100 magazines, websites, and newspapers including The New York Times, The Huffington Post,
and USA Today.

Driven by boundless curiosity and impeccable research chops, I explore the intersections of identity, culture, healthcare, technology, and policy.

When I'm not working, you can find me testing the latest biometric gadget, powerlifting, exploring some remote corner of the world (most recently, the Republic of Georgia), or making viral memes on Reddit that have been featured in Vice, the UK's Sun Tabloid, and Bored Panda.

A Life Saver During the Pandemic, YAI’s Paramedicine Program Grows

Emergency room visits are expensive, time-consuming, and, during a pandemic, potentially deadly. These risks are magnified for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), a patient cohort that has more emergency room visits than any other.

The New York Times
Opinion | Breaking the Cycle of Poverty

Re " Who's Able-Bodied Anyway? " (The Upshot, Sunday Review, Feb. 4): The number of "able" people living in poverty represents a crisis - a crisis of opportunity. Indeed, America's able poor are not lazy.

Marketing E-Blast for Ed-Tech Company (name changed)
45 Questions Away from a Better Career

Whether you're new to marketing or an industry veteran, SkillUp's Marketing Professional assessment lets you know where you stand in today's digital marketing landscape. During our free, one hour assessment, you'll put your skills to the test by solving...

Editorial: The Ecological Citizen
Rethinking the United Nations' concept of sustainability

In an era of accelerating climate change and deadly environmental crises that impact people from Guangzhou to Alberta, "sustainability" has become a global catchphrase. Touted by myriad businesses and institutions, it evokes images of clean air, abundant forests and a future in which we can all prosper on a thriving planet.

SEIU Leads Charge to Reduce Needlestick Injuries Among Healthcare Workers

According to a February 2016 study in the Journal of Medical Occupational Safety, replacing standard needles with safety needles could reduce the risk of HIV and other bloodborne pathogens in healthcare workers by 96 percent. If Bill 1400 passes, Maryland will join 19 other states in mandating that outdated standard needles be replaced by safety needles in the state’s 1,011 hospitals and clinics. The measure, proposed by Del. Dan K. Morhaim, a Baltimore County Democrat and emergency room...

Feature: Feet in 2 Worlds
Bushwick Inc.

At six feet tall and sporting more than 100 tattoos, some might describe Leaf Chang as intimidating. But upon stepping into his Bushwick shop, Gnostic Tattoo, he upends that notion with a broad smile and disarming Southern accent. It’s an incongruous mix that reflects the cultural flux of the surrounding neighborhood.

Feature: Native Peoples Magazine
Millennial Vision: A New Generation of Female Artists Makes its Mark

In the eighties, Cyndi Lauper declared that “girls just wanna have fun.” So went the motto for mallrats with hair as big as the era’s appetite for consumption. Then, in the nineties, pop icons from the Spice Girls to Hole professed “girl power,” rallying young women behind role models who sometimes turned out to be more “Clueless” than prophetic. But for the new generation of twentysomething women glued to their smart phones and addicted to social media, the unspoken anthem is simply: “See...

Essay: The Huffington Post
The Woman Who Mistook Herself for a Sociopath

I entered Harlem Middle School in Fall 1994 with a mouthful of braces, an overflowing training bra and a lingering attachment to Velcro shoes. I had no idea who Kriss Kross were, but I could recite facts from the Encyclopedia Britannica and The American Medical Association's Family Medical Guide on command (and often without the explicit consent of my listener).

Feature: Coilhouse
The 1491s: Bastard Children of Manifest Destiny

Hollywood would have you believe that American Indians are a pretty humorless lot. Stoic, tragic, fierce, mystical, romantic? Sure. But funny? Somehow the notion never caught on and yet nothing could be further from the truth.

Original Scholarship

The New School
Bloody Lies: The Dangerous Frontier of Genetic Ancestry Testing in the Battle to Prove Indigenous...

Over the last three centuries, the people of Robeson County, North Carolina, have been called many things: outlaws, a “mix’t crewe,” Cherokee, Croatan, Tuscarora, Cheraw, Siouan, Lumbee and, most recently, "wannabe." In 1936, anthropologist Carl Seltzer was sent by the U.S. government to assess the claims of indigeneity of this group who would later identify as “Lumbee” on account of their long-standing proximity to the Lumber River. By documenting their phenotypic characteristics, he...

The New School
From Oil to Ashes: Following in the Footsteps of Canada’s Short- Sighted Bitumen Industry

Ten years ago, on a warm summer day in Ottawa, Canada’s newly minted Prime Minister Steven Harper laid out his neoliberal vision for the Canadian economy and declared the nation to be an “emerging energy superpower." At that time, the war in Iraq was only 3 years old, oil prices were $68 a barrel and rising and Canada was riding high on the early years of a “bitumen boom” in its western province of Alberta. It was difficult to challenge Harper’s declaration given that, in 2006 alone, Canada...