Culture Journalists

Browse the directory of culture journalists below. We found 271 culture journalists listed.

Morgan Hollett

Broadcast Journalist

British Journalist living in Berlin, Germany. Intern at Deutsche Welle. Studied MA Broadcast Journalism (BJTC accredited) at UCLan, graduating with a Distinction in 2016. Graduated from the University of Manchester with a 2:1 in BA (Hons) German and Russian in 2015. Interested in Central and Eastern European affairs. Speaks English, German, Russian, Polish and Spanish.

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Renata Honorato

PR Manager/Journalist

Journalist with more than 12 years of experience in different sections such as technology, digital culture, culture, video games, national and international news.

Brianna Horan

Think Big, Focus on the Details

I have a way with words and am driven by curiosity. It's taken me from city streets to cornfields in the pursuit of authentic perspectives and compelling narratives. I'm based in my hometown of Pittsburgh, and at my day job in tourism I collaborate with clients from a broad array of backgrounds to design and deliver experiential travel and events. Whether the interaction is B2B or B2C, the foundation of every successful relationship is H2H – human to human. Understanding a client's goals and discovering her aspirations leads to impactful and engaging results. My freelance experience spans ten years and includes work as a newspaper features reporter, weekly columnist, magazine editor, and trade magazine writer. The best way to tell a story is to listen, and by being a keen observer I've had the delight of recounting the experiences of a diverse array of individuals - from aerial performers to sleep experts versed in catching Z's.


Alejandra Tenorio

Junior majoring in Journalism-Visual Journalism with a minor in Sociology and Spanish at The University of Alabama.

Bethany G. Rogers

Freelance writer and journalist

Originally from Newcastle, UK, I travelled the world a little before happily becoming stuck in Queenstown, New Zealand. A prolific writer, I have been shortlisted for my creative fiction and regularly write articles for online and print media. I specialise in food, arts and culture, but have worked with a wide range of magazines, businesses and individuals who want creative writing with a spark. With a background in public relations, I've written press releases for events and businesses as well as helping to create stand-out web copy and e-newsletters. I'm a quirky and original writer who seeks to create something a little bit different. When I'm not writing, I'm hiking, snowboarding, biking, boxing or sampling the best eateries/coffee-ries in Queenstown.

Pim Seelen

Letterkundige, cultuurwetenschapper, docent

Eerstegraads docent Nederlands, Master of Arts (2019) Master of Arts in Letterkunde, Literair Bedrijf (cum laude, 2015), Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen Bachelor Algemene Cultuurwetenschappen (2014), Premaster Nederlandse Taal en Cultuur (2018) Wandelcoach (2023) Recensent Recensieweb en DLVA, Eindredacteur 8Weekly, Stage Bureauredactie Uitgeverij Vantilt, Eigen tekstbureau gehad Publicatie: 1ste Grote TV-Quizboek (Uitgeverij ICOB, 2009)


Jessica Labhart

Broadcast journalist at BBC news online, Birmingham. Former senior reporter at the Express & Star

BBC broadcast journalist for online, based in Birmingham. Previously a senior reporter at the Express & Star. Contributor to The Guardian. Completed Gold Standard NCTJ production journalism diploma at the UK's top journalism school, News Associates, London and level five NQJ in professional journalism. Freelanced for the London Evening Standard, Ealing Times, the Hillingdon and Uxbridge Times and South West Londoner. Completed work experience at the Coventry Telegraph and Watford Observer. University of Cambridge graduate with an M.Phil in Screen Media and Cultures (Distinction), a Master of Arts degree and a BA (Hons) degree in Education, English and Drama (Double First Class). Winner of the George Peabody Prize (2010), the Shuard and Simms Prize (2011) and the Charter Scholarship (2011) at the University of Cambridge, Homerton College. Winner of the Portfolio Prize (2015) at News Associates, London. Highly Commended in the Feature Writer of the Year category at the Midlands Media Awards 2017 and part of team who won Best Exclusive Award at BBC England Awards 2019.


Ellen Vessels

Staff Writer, The American Genius & The Real Daily

I'm a multi-talented writer specializing in business and real estate news, with a special focus on social justice. I also write about organic farming, gardening, the outdoors, and the environment, and have done pro bono writing and editing for several nonprofits. My goal is to provide high-quality, accurate, and engaging writing. I pride myself in being cooperative, positive, and always punctual with deadlines. Said my editor, Lani Rosales, "Ellen is one of our most talented writers, flawlessly connecting with our audience. Her writing is always exactly what we're looking for, is without error, consistently engages the reader, and stands out. She is truly one of the best Staff Writers we've ever had on the team, and her gift transcends topic - she is a rare jewel." I am also a freelance copy editor and proofreader. Feel free to contact me at [email protected].


Sanaa Siddiqui

Experienced scaleup content editor

Writer, editor, traveller, meme hoarder. I write for scaleups, but I also dabble in other bits of content. Here's just a small selection of my work - please get in touch if you ever need someone to be your written voice.


Elisa Valerio Perroni

Magíster en Historia del Arte - Licenciada en Letras - Editora

Elisa Valerio (1990) es magíster en Estudios Avanzados en Historia del Arte por la Universitat de Barcelona (España), es licenciada en Letras por la Universidad de la República (Uruguay) y diplomada en Edición por la Universidad CLAEH (Uruguay). Realizó su trabajo final de maestría sobre mediación y sus prácticas en la Coordinación de Proyectos Educativos de la Fundació Antoni Tàpies (España). Desde 2019 se desempeña en el área de artes visuales en Uruguay en distinto roles. Además, desde el 2014 se desempeña como coordinadora, editora, redactora y correctora de contenidos digitales y publicaciones.