Browse the directory of journalism journalists below. We found 254 journalism journalists listed.
Periodista Deportivo
Actualmente estoy en mi último año estudiando un Bachillerato en Periodismo con una concentración menor en Gerencia Deportiva en la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón. Cuento con experiencia como periodista, especialmente en el área de los deportes ya sea para web como para radio. Tengo excelentes destrezas de comunicación tanto en inglés como en español. Actualmente me encuentro haciendo la práctica laboral en GFR Media. Mi plan a largo plazo es poder desempeñarme como periodista deportivo en ESPN y/o poder ser Director Atlético de una universidad.
Puerto Rico
Digital Content Editor
Laura is a digital content editor, writer and photographer currently working as a digital content editor for the Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) and Performance Racing Industry (PRI). She has a degree in journalism from the University of Central Florida and is also a certified yoga teacher (200RYT). EMAIL: [email protected]
Content Marketing Writer
Over the last few years, I've found that well-researched content is bolstered by a clear, effective narratives. Optimizing content for SEO purposes while being able to clearly express why your content matters is the key to maximizing your ROI. That is the approach I take in all content pieces I work on, whether that be a blog post, a product page, social media updates, or a whitepaper backed by data. I strive to use data and research to tell the "why" of the matter, regardless of word count.
I am an experienced nonfiction editor, published author, and award-winning journalist who provides editing and content writing services to English language clients worldwide. I understand the impact of words and creative problem-solving to help writers perfect their work and meet clients' needs in their authentic voice and brand. With a keen editor's eye, I pride myself on my resourcefulness and ability to translate complex issues into powerful and clear language. I appreciate deadlines, too, and I meet them. I'm currently a staff reporter with U.S. Right to Know, covering the commercial determinants of health (CDoH) for a new project, Healthwire. I also teach journalism at Lake Forest College. My work has involved writing and editing everything from articles and book manuscripts to speeches and blogs. I provide nonfiction book proposal and manuscript critiques as well as one-on-one consulting, copy editing, proofreading, line editing, substantive (heavy) editing, and developmental editing. My own publishing experience includes co-authoring a triple memoir — “Three Wishes: A True Story of Good Friends, Crushing Heartbreak, and Amazing Luck on Our Way to Love and Motherhood” (Little, Brown & Co.) — that was dubbed “A Tome of the Brave" by Oprah's O Magazine and published in five other countries. I draw on a decades-long journalism career to expertly handle a wide range of genres and topics and keep projects on track for my clients. As a reporter for The Washington Post, Boston Globe, and Miami Herald, I covered everything from politics, education, parenting, and plane crashes to hurricanes, hackers, and neuroscience, and I was one of 10 international journalists selected for an MIT Knight Science Journalism Fellowship. I've freelanced for NPR, The Economist, National Geographic News, Slate, This Old House, and Boston Magazine, among many others, as well as academic institutions and nonprofits including Northwestern University and Boston University. Clients have included WebMD, Aha Media Group, Curmudgeon Group, Talentfoot, Callisto Media, Book Launchers, Greenleaf Book Group, Pew Research, MIT, Northwestern University, Boston University, Weill Cornell Medicine, The Trustees (Massachusetts), and American Cancer Society, among others. Memberships include the Society of Professional Journalists, Editorial Freelancers Association, and I am represented by the Denise Shannon Literary Agency in New York City.
Writer, Photographer, Music Junkie
I've been into music in one way or another for most of my life. I love to interview musicians, write about music, and read about music. When it comes to writing my credo is "Be nice, be honest, and be interesting. If you stick to this, everything will always work out". When I write, I write with a purpose, to inform and entertain. My articles have appeared in, Goldmine Magazine, Rock Cellar Magazine,,, and The Los Angeles Beat. I'm going to enjoy every single minute of what I do!
Textos dos quais sou orgulhoso de ter feito
Graduado em Comunicação Social, amante de música e cultura
Science Writer, UW-Madison Department of Astronomy
I am a science writer currently working with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Astronomy. In addition to writing and editing the department's biannual newsletter, The Washburn Observer, I also write online news content and take departmental photographs. I earned a bachelor's degree in astronomy and physics with a minor in professional writing from The Ohio State University in December, 2011. I also earned a master's degree in journalism focusing on science, technology, and healthcare journalism from UW-Madison in May, 2016. I have a knack for communicating complex scientific material clearly and concisely, and I also possess a wide-range of multimedia skills, which include photography, audiography, and videography.
United States of America
Creative Writer
My goal is to work as digital Journalist, to prepare and share what I have learned with future journalists, because there is a future for Journalism And I want to be a part of it. My interests range from writing to reading, arts, and movies. Logical thinking, organization, and self-discipline, Vast knowledge, and understanding of cultural, entertainment. Familiarity with social media across platforms and using as a tool for Communication. Broad general knowledge with good research skills, as Investigative Reporter Using new media outlets. I am adept at building relationships, Consensus and a shared sense of purpose. I am known for my ability to quickly establish trust with employees, mediate disputes and motivate others into action.
Me considero uma mulher observadora, curiosa e determinada. Escolhi ser jornalista aos dez anos, porque acreditava que essa era uma profissão capaz de fazer a diferença nas vidas das pessoas. Pouco mais de uma década e muitos aprendizados depois, ainda me apego a esse pensamento. Apaixonada por histórias reais, literatura brasileira e um bom texto humanizado, gosto do que faço porque sinto que comunicar aproxima, move, transforma e, acima de tudo, alimenta a alma. Aqui você confere um pouco dos meus trabalhos preferidos. Espero que goste.