Journalism Journalists

Browse the directory of journalism journalists below. We found 254 journalism journalists listed.

Patrícia Figueiredo

Freelance journalist

I'm a Brazilian freelance journalist based in London currently pursuing an Erasmus Mundus Master's degree in Journalism, Media and Globalisation at City, University of London. Recently I have had bylines at Euronews, Climate Home News, Next City, Folha de S. Paulo, O Estado de S. Paulo, UOL and Yahoo, among others. Previously I was a reporter at G1, Brazil's largest news website, focusing on investigative or data-based stories about environment, health and cities, where I was part of a team awarded the Claudio Weber Abramo Data Journalism prize in 2022. Before that, I was a misinformation reporter at Agência Pública, an award-winning investigative journalism newsroom, where I've covered local and national elections. I was also a Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) fellow in 2017 and an Earth Journalism Network (EJN) fellow in 2022.

Marina H.

Content Strategy, CRO & Copywriting Fairy 😊

Seasoned copywriter with almost a decade of agency experience, specializing in conversion rate optimization. I can write from scratch but hiring me to optimize your content would be a wiser investment. I can revive your: ★ Taglines ★ Ads ★ e-mails ★ Articles & blog posts ★ Social pages ★ All kinds of sales pages ★ eBooks ★ Press releases ★ Personal letters ★ Speeches ★ Product descriptions ★ Content localization into Balkan languages (Serbian, Bosnian, Croatian) ...and probably a few more things. So, if your content needs some magic dust, I just might know a fairy ;)

Jon Blackstock

Writer, Educator, Facilitator, Director

As a former co-sponsor and editor for <i>The Foxfire Magazine</i> and as an online tutor, my specialties include writing, editing, and proofreading. I create clearer and more engaging sentences from my own ideas and from those of my clients. Along with my editing experience, I have also written several articles on topics such as teaching theatre and using Moodle in the classroom. For international Elance clients, I have written articles that range from children’s health to motorcycle gear reviews, and I have edited and proofread articles for electronic and print publications. Most recently, I have written general introductions for the magazine issues and for the forthcoming <i>Foxfire Book of Simple Living</i>. I am a native English speaker with a master's degree in literature. I am a former sponsor/editor of The Foxfire Magazine, and I have editing experience as the chair and chief editor of a SACS accreditation document at Jenkins County High School in Millen, Georgia. I have been an English and drama teacher since 1995. I currently tutor high school and college students in academic writing, and I teach Advanced Placement English Language and Composition. As an academic writer and as a journalist, I have completed a one-hundred-twenty-page thesis on Hugh Henry Brackenridge, and I have worked for a local newspaper.


steven viney


steven viney is a journalist and editor who has worked and reported from all around the world while travelling throughout Asia, the Middle East, Europe, North America and most recently Australia. the works below are a selection of favourite digital storytelling pieces, international news stories, interviews, poetry publications, writing, artwork and research. interests and formal education also include quantum physics and astronomy. contact details and more information below.

Allison Babka

Storyteller of the quirky.

As a freelance features writer and editor in the Midwest, I'm committed to highlighting the people and ideas that make our world interesting -- especially if there's a little quirkiness involved! I also write boring marketing stuff, but you'll have to ask me about that elsewhere. Pitch me or hire me: allisonDOTbabkaATgmailDOTcom. Go to my website: See additional clips: See still more work: Some of my favorite shenanigans are below.

United States of America

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Irene Doda


Ho 30 anni e vivo in Romagna. Scrivo su varie testate, tra cui Wired Italia, Il Tascabile, Jacobin Italia, Siamomine. Ogni due settimane mi potete leggere sulla newsletter di Wired WAR - dove parlo di politiche tecnologiche. Curo le attività di comunicazione online dell'organizzazione sindacale StreetNet International. Scrivo e parlo anche per il progetto Anticurriculum, che è un blog e un podcast sul mondo del lavoro contemporaneo. Mi occupo di tecnologia, questioni di genere, diritti del lavoro e spesso di tutte e tre queste cose insieme. Ho scritto anche racconti brevi. Per richieste e collab: irenedoda dot work at gmail dot com

Rebecca Anderson

Multimedia Journalist • Photographer • Social Media Producer

Rebecca Anderson, 32, is a driven reporter and producer with a background in digital, broadcast, social and print media. Currently, she works as a social media producer and reporter for Good Morning America and ABC News at the New York bureau, where she manages content for the television brand's social media platforms and website. Prior to this role, she was employed as an operations analyst at Park Evaluations, LLC, where she composed and proofread immigration academic and work evaluations. Additionally, she was an editor, reporter and photographer at Long Island Herald Community Newspapers; Richner Communications Inc. for nearly three years, covering local news in Long Island. In 2018, Rebecca earned her Master of Science degree from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. In 2015, she graduated from Towson University with a Bachelor of Science degree in mass communications and a focus in journalism and creative writing. Rebecca's work has been published in Good Morning America, GMA3: WYNTK, ABC News, The Long Island Herald, the summer and fall editions of Long Beach Magazine, Long Island Pulse Magazine,, Anton Media Group, Blank Slate Media, Newsday Media Group; Long Island and Park Evaluations, LLC. Her photography has been commercially used for Long Trunks designer clothing, Reign Fashion Boutique, The Sands at the Atlantic Beach Club and MSNBC's "The Beat" with Ari Melber. Feel free to send pitches to Rebecca at [email protected] or [email protected].

Brendan Hesse

Writer, Video Host, Artist, and Game Designer

Hi! I'm Brendan. I'm a writer, artist, and content producer working in the gaming and tech industries. I've held staffed and freelance positions with various publications, including Digital Trends, IGN, and more. I'm currently a regular contributor for LifeHacker. Below is a selection of my work from various publications and media sources. If you would like to see further clips, contact me for work, or just get in touch, drop me a line at: hesse[dot]brendan[at]gmail[dot]com You can also find examples of my art/design work at:

Sandra Alonso González

Periodista, locutora, redactora, community manager, productora

Profesionalmente he tenido la suerte de trabajar en prensa escrita, radio, medios digitales, agencias de noticias y en productora audiovisual. Esto me ha permitido conocer desde dentro cómo se trabaja en cada medio y me ha enseñado a adaptarme a las exigencias de cada uno. Además he trabajado con grandes profesionales de los que he aprendido mucho. A lo largo de mi carrera profesional me he encargado de la guionización y locución de vídeos informativos, formativos, de productos, reportajes, spots, etc., así como de cuñas e indicativos radiofónicos; presentación de informativos audiovisuales y radiofónicos; dirección, presentación y producción de programa de radio sobre viajes; labores de producción audiovisual y radiofónica; redacción de reportajes y noticias en periódico quincenal de temática educativa y en revista mensual sanitaria; preparación y realización de entrevistas; gestión de contenidos en webs; traducción de textos inglés-español y español-inglés. Ahora soy freelance. Puedes ver mi perfil en LinkedIn para conocer mis últimos trabajos. Y si crees que puedo ayudarte en tu proyecto, no dudes en contactar conmigo.

Portia S. Cole

Writer & Editor

Portia S. Cole is a Rowan University alumna with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism and specialization in print and online media. She has written for publications such as, The Courier Post,, The Current Newspaper, The Cape May Gazette,, Ocean City Gazette, and Portia has an insatiable craving for keeping up with what’s current, but she also enjoys traveling and home décor. For a glimpse of her versatile writing portfolio, take a look at some of her work below.