Journalism Journalists

Browse the directory of journalism journalists below. We found 254 journalism journalists listed.

Michael Susin

Multimedia Journalist

Brazilian, 29 years old Multimedia Journalist based in Warsaw, Poland.

Cacau Dias

Periodista freelancer

Aficionada por jornalismo de dados e suas respectivas aplicações, sigo estudando o tema. Hoje, por meio do home office, me dedico à editoração de jornal diário após curta passagem pela Diretoria de Relações Públicas da Prefeitura de Itabira. Antes, desbravei um pouco do marketing digital colaborando para a DanBtec8, com sede em Belo Horizonte. Sendo que nos primeiros anos como jornalista, mergulhei na mídia impressa de cobertura local, atuando em várias funções no Diário de Itabira.

Olivia Owens

Intern at Capitol File Magazine

Olivia Owens is a journalism student at the University of Maryland. She will be graduating in the Spring of 2014 with hopes of obtaining a position in the journalism industry. Her interests include magazine journalism, fashion and advice. She is currently interning at Capitol File Magazine in Washington, D.C. as an editorial intern. She also maintains her own blog

Paula Franco

Formada em Jornalismo (com MTB)

Formada em Comunicação Social - Jornalismo pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP). Estagiária do Portal IMPRENSA (IMPRENSA Editorial Ltda.) entre 2010 a 2011. Estagiária do SINGRAFS (Sind. Ind. Gráficas do ABCDMRP, RGS e Baixada Santista) entre 2011 a 2012. Contribuição voluntária para a fanpage da rádio web Go! Rádio Rock. Voluntária da Rádio Paraty FM, rádio comunitária de São Bernardo do Campo, de abril a dezembro de 2014, no programa Redação Paraty. Assessora de Comunicação da ASSINGRAFS (Assoc. Ind. Gráficas do Grande ABC e Baixada Santista) entre 2013 a 2024. Autora do blog "O meu mundo é mais colorido que o seu (?)", lançado em 2013. Criadora do perfil @insta_proximolivro de desafios temáticos de leitura (outubro de 2019).


Karissa Rodriguez

Freelance journalist & photographer

My name is Karissa Rodriguez. I am a 27-year-old freelance journalist and photographer located in the vibrant city of Austin, Texas. I am a jack-of-all-trades type of gal in the world in journalism. With experience as the former editor-in-chief of Austin Community College's student-run newspaper, the Accent, I have a journalism skill set in writing, photography, multimedia, and designing. My passion for all things journalism began in high school over 10 years ago. Since working on my high school newspaper and graduating in 2004, I have worked as a photographer, writer, web editor, photo editor, page design intern, and editor-in-chief. To view or download my resume, please click on the following link. <p style=" margin: 12px auto 6px auto; font-family: Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 14px; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; -x-system-font: none; display: block;"> <a title="View Karissa Rodriguez Resume on Scribd" href="" style="text-decoration: underline;" >Karissa Rodriguez Resume</a> by <a title="View Karissa Rodriguez's profile on Scribd" href="" style="text-decoration: underline;" >Karissa Rodriguez</a></p><iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" src="//" data-auto-height="false" data-aspect-ratio="0.772922022279349" scrolling="no" id="doc_18201" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Brunno Carvalho


Jornalista formado pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, com passagens por FOX Sports e UOL Esporte. Em 10 anos de profissão, possui experiência como editor e em cobertura de grandes eventos in loco, como o UFC e a Copa do Mundo de 2014, e da redação, como na Copa do Mundo de 2018 e nos Jogos Olímpicos de 2012 e 2016. É responsável desde junho de 2021 pela cobertura do São Paulo no UOL. Vencedor do prêmio Osvaldo Paquetá 2019, de melhor matéria de MMA.


Elvira Truglia


Elvira Truglia is a Writer, Journalist and Senior Communications & Public Engagement professional. She writes about the intersections of culture, politics, and social issues. Her work spans the community, media and cultural sector as well as national and international non-governmental organizations.

Miranda Hale

Freelance Writer/Editor and Educator

Hi! 👋 I’m Miranda. I’m a writer, editor, and a teacher/tutor/writing consultant. I have an M.A. in English Language and Literature, a Certificate in Teaching College Writing, a Professional Editing Certificate, multiple certificates in Business Writing, & additional relevant professional certificates. My writing experience is extensive & diverse. I’ve written for various websites, publications, agencies, businesses, & clients. I specialize in copywriting, particularly persuasive marketing copy. In doing so, I make use of my knowledge of effective methods of persuasion gained from my academic research & from my experience teaching persuasive writing. I also have extensive editing experience, including copy editing, line editing, & developmental editing. As a teacher/tutor, I undertake careful editing of the writing my students need assistance with. Additionally, I’ve completed many editing assignments for agencies, for businesses, for individuals, & for authors who need pre-publication editorial assistance with their book manuscripts. More information about my experience, education, skills, publications, & certifications is available on my LinkedIn profile and on my resume (see links below). Please free to get in touch if you're interested in my freelancing services, if you have an opportunity to share, or for any other reason. I'd love to hear from you.

Siobhan Climer

Content director, storyteller, and strategist

For 12+ years, I've created award-winning content and copy for startups, nonprofits, and enterprises everyone knows. In fact, more than $50M can be attributed to the copy and content I've helped developed -- though we all know content attribution is a trick and a half. Curiosity is what matters, though. A willingness to truly listen to customers/donors/prospects is what sets brands apart. That's where I can help. As a former journalist, elementary classroom teacher, nonprofit educator, and science writer, I have a knack for asking questions, capturing information, and distilling it into something useful for our audiences. In addition to my work in-house and on the agency side, I also consult with academic scientists and professionals to prepare articles, posts, white papers, case studies, and research papers for publication in journals, including Nature, Hippocampus, and Neuron. I'm both a U.S. and Irish citizen.

Chiara Amato

Per propormi un lavoro puoi scrivere a [email protected]