Journalism Journalists

Browse the directory of journalism journalists below. We found 254 journalism journalists listed.

Morgan Robson

Communications and Storytelling

I'm a creative and strategic communications specialist with experience in energy, conservation, social justice, and technology subject matter. I get excited about nature, literacy, and community. In my spare time, you can find me reading a good book, exploring the great outdoors, or spending time with my family. Published work under Morgan Robson (née Messelink).


Caroline Melo

Jornalista, escritora e curiosa

Jornalista formada pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), atuo como repórter, assessora de imprensa, social media e produtora de conteúdo, revisora e ghost writer. Passei pela redação da Folha de Pernambuco, Portal FolhaPE, Portal LeiaJá e diversos sites, blogs e portais, nas mais diversas áreas de conteúdo. Atualmente faço parte da equipe de comunicação da Associação Orquestra Criança Cidadã.


Andrew O'Reilly

Journalist & Writer

Andrew is a veteran reporter and writer who is capable of working on everything from breaking news to magazine-length features. He is known for a strong narrative voice, in-depth investigative work and combining his video and photography skills with his writing. Andrew's work has appeared in the New York Times, the Guardian, ESPN The Magazine, Outside Magazine, Fox News, The New York Daily News, Hemispheres Magazine, Rock and Ice and other publications. When he is not busy reporting, Andrew can be found either on his bike or hunting for fresh snow to ski.

Sarrah Jane Cea-Carrascal

Creative Content Writer

I speak the voice of my clients through my words.


The World Into Words

“The true alchemists do not change lead into gold; they change the world into words.” ― William H. Gass, "A Temple of Texts"

LAUREL SCOTT's prose has been called "seamless," her editing "exact," and she routinely delivers on tight deadlines. A versatile professional, she has decades of experience in reporting, content/copywriting and editing for both print and web (with recent excursions into video and commercial script writing). Promotional, advertorial and native advertising copy are her specialties, while horses and history are her greatest delights.


Marion Lopez

Journaliste de terrain biberonnée aux Internets

#Police #Justice #MouvementSocial #Politique #VieLocale Mail : [email protected]

Sarah Kranz

Social Media | Marketing

Graduated Cum Laude from the University of Utah with a BA in Communication. Energetic, detail-oriented, and committed to continuous professional development with a genuine interest in marketing and brand development.


Irana Nadzhafova


Live in Russia, St.Petersburg. Write for (Ru) and Reflections of Darkness (De).


Joshua Thornton


Talented writer with experience covering professional and college sports teams.


Sam Sinha

Food & Drink Journalist | Copywriter

I write restaurant reviews, recipes, blog posts and long-form articles for print, online, brands and blogs. If you understand the value of well researched, engaging content, you know that you need a specialist. My background cooking in professional kitchens gives me the edge. Originally from the UK but now based in Hong Kong, I seek out and tell engaging food stories.