Art Journalists

Browse the directory of art journalists below. We found 162 art journalists listed.

Paul Miles

Freelance writer and photographer

Over 20 years' experience of contributing to the national press, mostly about sustainable travel and architecture, islands and waterways. Also, sometimes about swimming, boating and learning to paint. Always interested in story ideas especially if they involve being in or on the water. Not the Paul Miles who writes for Metro.

Elena Martyn


Junior Content Writer at MuseumINSIDER I am an NCTJ-accredited journalist with extensive research and IT skills. I recently graduated from the University of Kent with a 1st class degree in BA (Hons) American Studies with a Year in Journalism. My interests include museums, travel, film, and theatre.


Neymat Raboobee

Writer | Content Producer

Welcome! I'm a twenty six year old South African writer and content producer. I'm passionate about reading, mental health, and inclusiveness. I currently work for the media company SEEN (formerly Hashtag Our Stories).


Nathan Simone

Dynamic Marketer | Artistic Writer | Podcast Aficionado

Writer. Creative. Digital Explorer. With a decade of experience in content creation and marketing, I transform raw ideas into elegant masterpieces. My approach combines storytelling with strategic communication, focusing on making advanced technology relatable and understandable. I aim to inspire and engage audiences, illuminating new perspectives in the digital age while remaining committed to excellence in every project. Even in our digital world, the future is human. Together, we can create something extraordinary!

Lizaveta Koliverda

Theatre producer, PR-manager, Curator of Theatre Projects, Performer

Wonder Woman. I do everything: from theatrical projects to memes. I can manage your project or follow on Instagram,


Jerzy Szajewski

Artysta Plastyk, Kopista, Malarz

Artysta plastyk, członek Związku Polskich Artystów Plastyków Polska Sztuka Użytkowa. Od ponad 40-stu lat wykonuję kopie malarstwa dawnych mistrzów. Moje prace zdobią wnętrza polskich placówek dyplomatycznych na terenie Stanów Zjednoczonych, Francji, Hiszpanii, również Watykanu (dwa obrazy). Współpracowałem z Muzeum Literatury im. Adama Mickiewicza w Warszawie oraz z Muzeum Narodowym w Wa-wie. Mojego autorstwa są kopie trzynastu portretów Juliusza Słowackiego i członków jego rodziny wykonane dla Muzeum J. Słowackiego w Krzemieńcu. Zajmuję się także malarstwem sakralnym. Namalowałem obraz św. Wojciecha do ołtarza głównego w Kościele św. Wojciecha w Biskupicach koło Częstochowy, a także kopię obrazu Jezusa Miłosiernego w kościele św. Michała Archanioła w Wa-wie oraz wiele innych obrazów sakralnych dla kaplic i kościołów w kraju i za granicą. Wykonałem również portrety i sceny rodzajowe dla Muzeum Literatury i dla Muzeum Historycznego w Warszawie z okazji dwusetnej rocznicy urodzin Fryderyka Chopina.


Graceline Marcelo

Graphic Designer and Content Writer

Hi, I'm Graceline, I graduated Bachelors of Multimedia Arts. Right now, I'm a Graphic Designer, a Videographer. and a Content Writer. I write blog articles, SEO, poems, short stories, lyrics, scripts and captions. Feel free to check out some of my sample works below.


Robert T. Treadwell

Freelance writer, editor, college professor

Robert T. Treadwell (Ty) is a freelance writer with over 20 years of experience. He has sold nearly 200 articles to magazines, newspapers, and web sites. He also teaches writing classes for the University of Miami's esteemed School of Communication.


Liya Prilipko

Art writing freelancer

Hello! It’s Liya here. China has been my home for almost 15 years. For the past eight years, I have been writing about Asian contemporary art and (co)curating group and solo exhibitions for the art galleries I’ve worked at. I have been a contributing writer at Art Radar Journal, stayinart, and CNcreate. 
 I’ve been lucky to find myself in the middle of the sprawling Chinese contemporary art scene and work with some of the incredible emerging and up-and-coming artists. Seeing and writing about their work has been an insightful journey.   Work with me if you need an article or a press release for your upcoming exhibition, a profile on an artist, or an art show review.   There is more... Working closely with the visitors of the galleries has been an enlightening experience that inspired me to found Spotted: a small company in Shanghai that sees its mission in bringing art closer to the hearts and minds of people. By offering approaches and practices to art lovers and exhibition-goers to connect with art more intimately and profoundly, we strive to turn each experience of looking at art into something memorable and invigorating. Therefore, I have been focusing my latest research and writing on the subject of LOOKING AT ART.  Drop me a line if your art space is looking for ways to entice more visitors to explore your collection and if you wish to have more content that facilitates the visitors to engage with the art on view. 
 Let's connect: [email protected]  
 P.S. References and more samples are available upon request. 



Digital Marketing Specialist - Web Editor

@Italian—Marketing specialist with @Irish experience I help your brand speak through compelling content. I offer you professionalism, fast delivery and quality content. As a Digital Marketing specialist, I write accurate marketing content. Plus! With +4 years of writing experience, I've also worked with clients across all industries from Music, Art, and Events to Construction. WHAT I DO: • Management, creation, and optimization on Google, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube. • Digital copywriting • Advertising • Direct Email Marketing • Technical SEO writing • Analysis and data collection • Graphic creation • Blog posts • Web content • Press releases • Journalism WHO I'VE WORKED FOR: (details on request) • Digital marketing agencies • Medium size companies • Festival and Cultural Events • Non-profits • Music Newspaper CONTACT ME TODAY: • [email protected][email protected]