In November 2022, she collaborated with the Belarusian director and performer CHORNABROVA. She organized her tour with the presentation of the album in 5 cities of Poland: Warsaw, Krakow, Poznan, Gdansk and Bialystok. Part of the funds were transferred to charity
On December 17, 2021, a reading of the text "Myths about people" was held at the Belarusian House of Culture in Vilnius. These are adapted myths in the Belarusian language. I acted as the author of the text, director and prodesser of the project
In front of the video installation was an art object in the form of a transparent square resembling a sandbox. But now there is no sand in the sandbox. There are fragments inside. The performer's task is to enter the zone and walk over the fragments on his heels, splitting them. With each penetration, it is more and more difficult and dangerous to do this, as glass becomes larger over time. The spectator could build a glass castle with the performer, or help clear the way with well-known and...
Screening of the performance "Сinema-Taxi" at the "Punch Machine Week in Moscow" on October 23, 2021. Masha Tanina and Lisa Koliverda collected iconic movie scenes that were filmed in a car, from Pretty Woman and Three Poplars on Ivy to James Bond and Pulp Fiction, and then invited viewers to experience them themselves in a Toyota.
Performance Date it was created within the framework of the exhibition LOVE! , which is supervised by Nadezhda Khmyl in the space Vershy Cultural This project was created for everyone who has no one to spend February 14 with, but who wants to go on a date. “Date it” is an online date that anyone can join at any time. All you have to do is find a date table in the middle of the exhibition, put on your headphones and answer the phone. There is no strict time limit in the performance, because...
28 августа в Санкт-Петербурге в рамках фестиваля "Красненькая биеннале 2021" команды Wall-online и DramaTechie представят проект "DU2DO". Это перформативная вейрдкор-бродилка, которую создали Лизавета Коливерда и Маша Танина, участницы независимого театрального комьюнити Беларуси. Бродилка соединяет в себе элементы спектакля, экскурсии, игры и квеста.
On October 1 and 2 in St. Petersburg we showed a performance of live-action"Cinema-Taxi". It was created as part of Perfotachka Festival. I gave an interview for Cultural Evolution program and told a fiew words about our work
From November 2017 my team and me under the guidance of Belarusian choreographer Olga Skvortsova developed a performance entitled “Body.Access” in reference to the works of Ernst Barlach and Käthe Kollwitz. From movement and body language we created a sensitive, emotional and thrilling interpretation of the exhibited works. The around eight-minute performance provided a vivid and modern approach to a time long ago.