Art Journalists

Browse the directory of art journalists below. We found 163 art journalists listed.

Ivy Grace Sarmiento

Content Editor/Creative Writer, Artist and Art Enthusiast, Educator

For over a year, I have worked as a content editor; focusing on arts and culture, lifestyle, and home improvement. As a content editor, I am skilled in SEO and content management systems (CMS). I also had an experience in freelance creative writing. My works have been published on and in Art+. I have a degree in art studies with a minor in sociology from the University of the Philippines (Diliman) and a background in communication arts and campus journalism. Earlier this year, I completed a short teaching program at the University of the Philippines Open University. Feel free to send me a message for concerns and inquiries! (Note: I wrote the articles listed from during my time at the website/company. However, management revisions may change the author's name over time. You may contact me to request offline copies of my works.)


Mateo Medina Escobar

Periodista en El Espectador

Profesional en medios audiovisuales, comunicador social y periodista. Fue periodista y colaborador audiovisual en la Unidad de Investigación Periodística del Politécnico Grancolombiano, donde realizó diversas investigaciones de largo aliento, entre ellas "Bandas de microtráfico, escuelas criminales en Colombia" y "Las máscaras de la criminalidad durante la covid-19". Asimismo, es coautor del libro "Entre Periodistas", una colección de entrevistas y diálogos entre nuevos y establecidos periodistas de Colombia. Actualmente es periodista para el diario El Espectador en las secciones de Entretenimiento y Cultura.

Jason Rhys Parry

Senior Content R&D, Sapienship

Building refuges for thinking.