Fashion Journalists

Browse the directory of fashion journalists below. We found 294 fashion journalists listed.

Bibek Bhattacharya

Writer and Editor at Mint Lounge

I write on travel, music, culture, the arts and art history. My articles have appeared in several publications, including Mint Lounge, Outlook Traveller, National Geographic Traveller, Verve Magazine, and Business Today.

Victoria (Torie) Robinette Durham

Freelance Writer & Editor

Hi, I'm Torie. Since graduating from the School of Journalism at UNC-Chapel Hill in 2008 (Go, Heels!), I've made a career as a storyteller, brand advocate and an editor who lives for the latest version of the AP Style Book to be released. I've balanced roles managing a public relations team at Neiman Marcus; editing, producing, managing, and styling content for multiple publications across various platforms and media spaces; working on a dynamic tourism- and hospitality-driven communications team for the city of Charlotte, NC; and helping to elevate Georgia State University's national and global presence as a top public research university. My most important roles, though, are as mom to my sweet little boy, Marcus, and wife to my wonderful husband, Ross. In a world in which we often tell the same story, I specialize in finding a unique angle that hasn't yet been explored. I'd love to tell your story.

Rui Celso

Produtor de conteúdo / Assessoria de Imprensa / Assistente de Comunicação / Revisor

Bem-vindo à minha estação. Me chamo Rui Celso e venho através deste portfólio mostrar o meu trabalho. Minhas experiências vão de redator à assessoria de imprensa, bem como assistente de comunicação. Trabalho com textos para web (técnicas de SEO), mídia impressa e revisão de textos para mídia digital.

Елена Иванова

Редактор, журналист, копирайтер

Привет! Я родилась в Забайкальском крае, 2 года жила в Сибири и долгое время — на Дальнем Востоке, а потом переехала в Москву, чем очень довольна) Училась на филологическом факультете АмГУ, на кафедре журналистики. Успешно редактирую тексты авторов разной степени мастерства (в том числе непрофессиональных) и пишу интересно о самых разных вещах, больше всего люблю кинорецензии, интервью и обзоры. Дружелюбна и люблю общаться с людьми, открыта к новым знакомствам и знаниям. Хорошо ориентируюсь в разных областях знаний. Охотно учусь новому и стремлюсь не стоять на месте. Могу много, но хорошо работать, ладить с разными специалистами в команде, писать и согласовывать коммерческие тексты. Легка на подъем, инициативна. Люблю самостоятельные путешествия, историю, искусство и архитектуру, хорошие фильмы, книги и музыку, животных и бег. Склонна к перфекционизму, но в меру)

Jaimie Watts

Freelance Writer

My writing areas include lifestyle, music, and travel among others. I have experience writing for newspapers, magazines, and blogs. Please feel free to contact me for further discussion on job opportunities via email at [email protected].

Kai Andersen

Seasoned Multilingual Lifestyle Editor and Writer

Former editor-in-chief of Modern Luxury Hawai'i now based in San Juan, Puerto Rico Raised in Hawai'i, educated in New York and now settled in the Caribbean, I have a keen passion for lifestyle stories—arts and culture, style and fashion, design, travel, and personalities. Over the course of my media career, I've interviewed screen talents, crafted editorial on leading luxury brands from The St. Regis to Louis Vuitton, and shone a spotlight on aspiring talents and eclectic topics. (Think rare Hawaiian leis or destination Indian weddings). On the practical side, I craft smart, tightly crafted copy that speaks to sophisticated markets—all on tight deadlines. In addition to writing, I've overseen all steps of the print editorial process—including developing issue lineups; collaborating with writers, photographers and designers to create sparkling stories; top editing copy; and art directing shoots. (I even dressed a top pro surfer in a Carolina Herrera jacket for an issue cover!) Besides my native English, I am fluent in French (thanks to a graduate degree) and have honed my conversational Spanish (after living for 9 years in Puerto Rico).

Gabriella Mayer

Freelancer Writer/Editor/Social Media Guru

I’m a freelance writer, editor, and social media enthusiast who got a BA in Comparative Literature and a Creative Writing MFA from New York University. This portfolio is a compilation of articles and book reviews I’ve written both for magazines, newspapers, social media, book review sites, and in my free time. If you’d like to contact me or have a look at my resumé/CV, you can send me an email at [email protected].

Taylor Engle

Freelance Writer/Editor/PR Consultant

Freelance writer/editor/PR consultant based in Brooklyn, New York. I have eight years of professional experience writing about a variety of topics for various companies, blogs, brands and publications. Let me write for you.

Kate Brinksman


Creative and Commercial Writer. Over 5 years experience writing across a range of industries, and for an array of clients. Music, PR, Tech, Medical, Fashion, Automotive, Poetry, Lifestyle & Culture.


Erin White

Editorial Assistant and Content Creator

I write about culture and politics through an intersectional feminist lens.