Health Journalists

Browse the directory of health journalists below. We found 248 health journalists listed.

Andrew Shields

I help organisations tell their stories more effectively so they can achieve their potential and contribute to the greater good

I'm an award-winning content specialist, offering a range of industry-leading editorial services: - Content strategy planning - Long and short form multi-platform copywriting - Copy editing and proofreading - Thought leadership content - Speech and presentation development - Editorial project management This site holds examples of my corporate and consumer writing. To find out more about my strategic work in sport and business, visit my LinkedIn page. GET IN TOUCH Please contact me at [email protected] or through the link below.


Соня Яроцкая (Фарах)

Сценарии, статьи, копирайт

Медицина, психология, интерьерный и ландшафтный дизайн, кулинария, путешествия, архитектура, книги и кино, дети. Новости. Пишу, редактирую, корректирую, планирую. Постоянно копирайчу и корректирую для порталов и и для тематических пабликов За спиной: сотрудничество с СТБ, Интер, НТН; статьи и редактирование для журналов «Салон», «Идеальный дом», «Архитектура и престиж», «Любимая дача»; новости, ответы на вопросы и наполнение контентом сайтов,, и т.п. Пишу быстро,с душой и со знанием дела. =)


Jo Tracey

Freelance Writer

Freelance Writer, Blogger, and Astrologer. Inspired by my passport, change and the stars...

Anna Carolina Rodrigues


Jornalista freelancer. 2018 foi um ano de ampliar horizontes. Saí de redação e busquei trabalhos diferentes de reportagem. Ajudei a Think Olga a criar a page do #ElaFazHistória para o Facebook, elaborei relatórios de impacto de notícias em marcas com a Cortex, editei vídeos para redes sociais do Prêmio Cláudia e combati fake news com o Comprova durante as eleições, dentre outros. De 2014 a 2018, trabalhei como repórter na revista Você S/A, com colaborações para a revista-irmã Você RH. Me interesso muito pelos impactos e contribuições da tecnologia no trabalho e por pautas relacionadas à diversidade. Estou sempre em busca do melhor formato para contar boas histórias. Em 2017, me tornei ouvinte voraz de podcasts, ajudei a reformular o Instagram da Você S/A e passei a me aventurar no mundo da edição de vídeos com o projeto Ganha-Pão. Isso tudo enquanto fazia pautas para a edição impressa e aplicativo da revista e viajava por diversas cidades do Brasil para realizar a pesquisa para o Guia Você S/A - As Melhores Empresas Para Trabalhar. Recentemente, minha paixão por vídeo games acabou sendo recompensada com a oportunidade de ser co-autora do livro Almanaque de Games (Panda Books, 2016). Como repórter, já colaborei com veículos como Folha de S. Paulo (Mercado, Folhainvest, Mundo, Cotidiano e Carreiras & Negócios); Estadão (Economia, Paladar e Agência Estado); Valor Econômico, (editoria de Economia e Negócios). Além das revistas Brasil Energia, Exame, Mundo Estranho, Playboy, Superinteressante, Time Out Rio, Veja, Veja Rio e Veja São Paulo. Também conto com experiências como assistente de produção e assistente de direção em três séries veiculadas no canal Multishow. E, mais recentemente, como produtora de elenco do programa "Fale Conosco", do GNT no YouTube. Participei do Curso Estado de Jornalismo Econômico, com curso de extensão em Economia e Finanças da FGV e do Curso Abril de Jornalismo 2012. Também fiz o curso de documentário da AIC, em São Paulo. Para saber mais, acesse meu perfil no Linkedin

Katie Laura McQue

Dubai Based Print and Multimedia Journalist. I cover human rights, development, energy and natural resources, the pharmaceutical industry, and M&A deals

[email protected] [email protected]

Lauren King

Features writer/ Sub editor

I am a journalism graduate with more than three years of experience in an editorial environment. Working on a variety of national magazines and websites, I have experience in both sub editing and writing. You can view some examples of my published work below. If you have any questions, drop me a line on [email protected]

United Kingdom

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Victoria Willens

Writer & Editor

Currently working as a copy editor for a cybersecurity company, I have a bachelor's degree in magazine journalism from Syracuse University's S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications. Since graduating in 2013, I've held positions as a copy editor for a local newspaper in Chautauqua, N.Y., as a staff writer for a newspaper in Montgomery County, P.A., and as an editorial aide for Prevention Magazine. I also have experience writing and editing for regional, general interest, and health publications. I'm a big fan of AP Style, grammar, and Oxford commas.

Beena Nadeem

Freelance journalist

I am a London-based writer. I'm currently working as a content manager and editor at - the UK's official, government-sponsored tourism authority. Have just finished working on the relaunch of its new website, now working on b2b-side. I write content on travel, as well as freelancing around: women and work (and health), cats, marketing copy (various), and much more. I have written extensively for publications including Red, Good Housekeeping, i newspaper, The Guardian, Fabulous (The Sun], Londonist, Lonely Planet, and more. I recently completed the Faber novel writing course and am nearing completion of my first novel. I have won several awards for my investigative pieces and news writing over the years and have a post-graduate qualification in journalism from City University. I'm an approachable person, and like to think of myself as friendly and helpful as possible, so do drop me a line!

Victoria Brown

Public Relations Manager | Journalist

Experienced Public Relations Manager and Journalist with seven years writing and editing experience.

Robin Donovan

I'm an award-winning writer and editor who specializes in translating technical, information-heavy and complex news and issues into stories that entice, inform and engage. My coverage of health, science, technology, start-up and social topics has appeared in trade and consumer magazines, newsletters, blogs and around the web. To contact me for an estimate, email rkdonovan at gmail.