Education Journalists

Browse the directory of education journalists below. We found 179 education journalists listed.

Pashma Manglani


I write articles, develop web content, work on newsletters, manage community pages and help brands design their content strategy. I've also worked on developing copy for publications at events like the Dubai International Film Festival and the Sharjah International Book Fair.

Jo Faragher

Business journalist and editor

I am a business journalist and editor of 20 years. My specialism is HR and employment. I am a regular contributor to HR titles Personnel Today and People Management, and have also written features for the Financial Times, and supplements for The Times and The Guardian. I also write on general business issues such as corporate culture, achieving growth, choosing technology and data protection/privacy. I am experienced in corporate copywriting, having worked on case studies and promotional reports for business clients. I can work in a variety of media - I have produced articles for both print and online publications, helped clients with corporate blogging, used content management platforms such as WordPress and conducted video interviews. During my career I have enjoyed staff roles at the Times Educational Supplement, Personnel Today, Recruiter magazine, Information Age and Computer Business Review. I've commissioned and written features on technology, recruitment, employment issues and education. Contact me at [email protected] or 07766 685873.

United Kingdom

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Elizabeth Ann Peer

International Education Professional With a Journalism Background

California born and proudly world bred, Elizabeth Ann has developed a passion and curiosity for discovering the world and telling its stories. Inspired by her days as a news editor for her high school newspaper, she has since moved on to write for both local and international media ranging from newspapers in Marin County, Calif. and Columbia, Missouri to the United Nations and the Beijing Olympics. She has written on topics as diverse as education, crime, and religion to developing world issues. She moved to Bangkok in 2010 to pursue her dreams of living abroad and writing about the world around her. She received her MA in Journalism in 2009, and also has earned TOEFL/TESL/TEFL certification to teach English to children and business English. She returned to the United States in 2013 and earned her MA in International Education Development at Teachers College (Columbia University), combining her skills to work with Library for All, the International Rescue Committee and Current Issues in Comparative Education.

United States of America

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Teodora Beleaga

Data Journalist interested in Education, Welfare and Technology

A recent graduate of City University London's pioneering Interactive Journalism MA, I'm currently honing critical data analysis and visualisation skills with the KnowledgeBase Marketing Group, part of Wunderman UK. Prior to this I completed work experience with the Guardian's Data Store, Hampstead and Highgate Express, Southwark News and the BBC College of Journalism. If you'd like to get in touch please email [email protected].

United Kingdom

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Julie Levin

Journalist/Communications, Digital and Social Media Specialist

I graduated in December 2012 with a master's degree in journalism and mass communication at the Walter Cronkite School at Arizona State University. Before that, I received a communication and history bachelor's degree from the University of Arizona in May 2011. I have experience writing, reporting, editing, blogging, producing, voicing and anchoring for radio, online, print and television. I also have a background in digital media and marketing and am an experienced AP style copy editor for web and print. I additionally have extensive experience in brand marketing and social media management on a local and national level.


Bernadette John

Freelance Journalist and Editor

Available for news and feature writing, editing, online content and advertorial writing. Sectors covered include: education, business, retailing, marketing, food and drink, restaurants, wine, legal sector, luxury sector, family travel, UK travel, conference and incentive travel, consumer and human interest. My work has been published in The Telegraph, The Guardian, Absolutely Education, Chalk and Chat, SEN magazine, Harper's Wine and Spirit magazine, The Grocer, The Global Legal Post, Luxury Legal Post, The Good Schools Guide, Independent Education Today,,, Checkout, Brand News, What's new in Marketing, Kent and Sussex Courier, Solihull News and Time Out.


Sherita Sharma

Freelance Journalist and Political Analyst

2013: PG Diploma in Development Studies 2010 - 2012: BA in Journalism and Politics from the University of the South Pacific 2012: Editor at Wansolwara, USP Journalism ---> Journalist, Features Editor and Regional Editor

Nathalie Farah

Freelance: Print, Web, Photo, Video

I have over 600 articles under my belt on topics as diverse as the arts (art, culture, film, music, books/literature), heritage, community and education. I've also written about business, medical, environmental, police, and general news - including the odd sports story! Nowadays though, I tend to stick to arts and culture stories. My high-quality content is always delivered during tight deadlines, receiving positive feedback from both my editors, sources and the public. I am based in Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Jessica Leigh Brown

Knoxville Freelance Writer, Journalist, Copywriter, and Proofreader

I'm a freelance writer with a background in journalism, professional blogging, and proofreading. Are you looking for a wordsmith who's committed to getting the job done well – and on time? Drop me a line. I've written news features, book chapters, blog posts for businesses, community news stories, and magazine features. And I've edited e-mail blasts, web copy, flyers and brochures. I spent two years living in Germany's Black Forest region, so I speak a little Deutsch and maintain a love for schnitzel and bratwurst. I was homeschooled for 12 years and currently teach middle and high school English courses to homeschooled students at two local co-ops. I was an English major in college and I love Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, and the Brontës. Check out my clips below.

Carla Melicci


Periodista y licenciada en Comunicación Periodística, egresada de la Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). A lo largo de estos años me especialicé en la producción de contenidos multimedia para empresas. Trabajé en el sitio LA NACION como operadora de contenidos. También colaboré más de 10 años en la sección Comunidad del diario LA NACION, donde escribí sobre problemáticas sociales que aquejan a la Argentina. Participé como asistente de producción en el libro “Por qué dura el amor” de la periodista Raquel San Martín y en el libro “Historia del helado artesanal”, realizado por AFADHYA. También colaboré en el Anuario 2009 y en la sección Cultura del diario LA NACION. Me especialicé en el uso de nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación tanto en el sector privado como en el público. Escribo notas para web, armo producciones audiovisuales, y gestiono todo tipo de plataformas de contenido así como también de redes sociales. En 2012 obtuve el título de Professional WebMaster en la Universidad Tecnológica de Buenos Aires (UTN). Trabajé también en ARG Noticias y fui editora del sitio por más de 4 años. En la actualidad soy profesora en la Facultad de Sociales de la Universidad Católica Argentina (UCA). A su vez, coordino a un grupo de estudiantes que se encargan de hacer la producción de contenido de las redes del sitio Edito el sitio Economía Sustentable (iProfesional) y escribo en BAE Negocios y LANACION Revista, sobre tendencias e historias de vida. E-mail: [email protected] // Twitter: @camelicci