Sports Journalists

Browse the directory of sports journalists below. We found 182 sports journalists listed.

Robert Marshall


I am Robert and have a master's degree in public relations from Full Sail University. I have an undergraduate degree in journalism from the University of Arizona Global Campus. I've written sports, including baseball, softball, basketball, soccer, wrestling, golf, track & field, water polo, tennis, and auto racing. I was the Oak Leaf Newspaper's sports editor from 2014-2016. In addition, I can create press releases, news releases, and campaign strategies. I can plan crisis management and SEO strategies for your clients.

Shelley Rohrbaugh

Advertising Professional

Driven advertising and marketing professional with over 7 years of agency experience. Excellent attention to detail and remarkable critical thinking skills. Efficient and able to maintain a positive attitude in fast-paced multitasking environments.


Renata Santos

Especialista em Comunicação

Formada em Comunicação Social - Jornalismo pela Universidade Paulista, possuo experiência nas áreas de comunicação corporativa e comunicação interna, além de assessoria de imprensa, produção de conteúdo e gestão de mídias sociais. Já desenvolvi newsletters, jornais, revistas, murais e campanhas para empresas como Johnson & Johnson, Johnson & Johnson Medical Innovation Institute, Sara Lee Cafés do Brasil, Coca-Cola FEMSA e Alpargatas. De 2012 a 2015, fui repórter da revista "Mais Varejo", uma publicação trimestral da Souza Cruz destinada aos seus mais de 300 mil varejistas parceiros, que aborda temas diversos, como gestão, marketing, sustentabilidade, educação, turismo e gastronomia. Mais recentemente, de 2016 a 2018, fui assessora de Comunicação da Associação Brasileira de Resorts, uma entidade do setor de Turismo, onde a minha principal função, mas não única, era a assessoria de imprensa. Lá, também fui responsável pela comunicação com nossos clientes internos (resorts associados), clientes externos (hóspedes e potenciais hóspedes que nos seguiam em redes sociais e site) stakeholders, poder público, etc. Auxiliei, também, na criação e organização de eventos da associação. Nos últimos anos, também criei, paralelamente, um bom trabalho com sites, blogs e redes sociais, principalmente sobre música e futebol. Para manter esses canais sempre atrativos, é preciso estar atento às últimas notícias e ter agilidade para acrescentá-las nos seus devidos veículos. Nesse aspecto, pesquisas constantes e uma boa apuração são fundamentais para a construção de uma boa matéria que irá atrair o leitor.


Kevin Barber

Social Media Manager/Digital Marketing Specialist/Writer/Editor

10+ years of professional experience in digital marketing, advertising, social media, content marketing, content writing, customer relations and editing. Worked on several social media campaigns and website redesigns, while also providing content in the form of blogs, press releases, reviews and high-profile interviews with a variety of different clients. Excellent time management, organization, leadership and communication skills. Proven track record of successfully working with clients for digital advertising, social media, and content marketing campaigns.

United States,US

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Logan Wells

Journalist, Reporter, Writer

I am currently receiving my MA in Creative Writing at Ohio University. I graduated with a BA in English from Hanover College with a vast background of various interests. I have explored a wide range of potential career paths ranging from education to public relations to creative writing. The one constant through all of it has been my talent and passion for all things journalism. I have over a decade of various experiences as both a freelance journalist and a full time staff reporter and writer. Though my greatest strength lies in my writing and creativity, I have experience in all media from video production to social media. I have a deep passion for both sports and arts/entertainment, but have also covered various news stories and done several feature and editorial pieces. I am extremely hard working, self-motivated, have a strong love for knowledge and story telling, and am always looking to learn and improve both my writing and other journalistic skills. Below are a selection of my clips covering various sides of the journalistic spectrum.

United States of America

Lindsey Malkus

Freelance Writer and Editor

Lindsey is a freelance writer and editor with experience in print and online publications writing, and B2B and B2C copywriting and editing. Past work includes articles and copywriting for Chicago Public Schools, UL, Haute Living, Tribune Publishing, the American Dental Association, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, and the St. Louis Suburban Journal. Her work has appeared in the Baltimore Sun, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Magazine, and Jewel Osco's "What's Cookin'" blog.

William Hernandez

Writer, Producer and Editor

Will Hernandez is a journalist and social media manager based out of Los Angeles. He's covered high school, college and professional sports in Los Angeles for major news outlets including, KTLA5, CBSLA and KCAL News, The San Gabriel Valley Tribune, Whittier Daily News and the Ventura County Star. He began his professional career interning at KNBC Los Angeles' sports department. Below is a collection of all his work since graduating from Cal State Long Beach in the Fall of 2016.

Chad Berry

Writer and Assistant Editor, OMF International

With more than a decade of professional writing and editing experience, I have done a little bit of everything, including sports writing, in-depth features, copywriting, press releases and social media.

United States of America

Brandan Blom

BA in Communication; Concentration in Multimedia Journalism

Past sports correspondent for the Boston Globe. Curry College alum, 2015. Previously interned with, and the MetroWest Daily News. Now working in video production.

William Brian Stone


William Brian Stone is a seasoned writer and editor, having worked for both online and print publications covering a variety of subjects ranging from sports to cryptocurrency.