Browse the directory of fashion journalists below. We found 295 fashion journalists listed.
Freelance Writer | Educator | Copywriter | Brand Manager
New York City based freelance writer, educator and brand manager, primarily working in fashion, beauty, dance, higher education and critical theory. Specializes in copywriting for blog posts, e-commerce product descriptions and brand communications, such as blast emails, press releases and social media posts. She is also a published academic and creative writer. Tutoring and Teaching expertise, from Elementary to University, incl. Ivy League, levels. Memberships: International Association of Professional Writers and Editors [IAPWE] American Association of Geographers [AAG] Selected works, more available upon request. [email protected]
Editorial Writer/Journalist
I have over 20 years of experience in online and paper media and operations. In 2008, I was a finalist for the 6th Shueisha Ken Kaiko Nonfiction Award for "Hazuremono no Shuchou". I also served an Air'15 Residency, an artist-in-residence program in Vienna with artists from around the world. My previous work has appeared in Rikunabi Next Journal, Jisedai Leader Summit, Da Vinci News, Mainichi Sponichi TAP_i, Nihon no Kekkonshiki, Hotel Wedding, Wedding DRESS, etc. I have worked for other internet startup companies as a PM and translator. I am a graduate of California State University. WHAT I DO: - Magazine editing and writing in print and online - Book editing and writing in print and online - Interviews (in both English and Japanese) - Translation - Posting on SNS - Web content - Column - Blog post - Book critics - Press releases - Advertorial - Journalism -Project Management -Event Produce -Copyright clearance WHO I'VE WORKED FOR: (details on request) - Publishing companies - Digital Start-up companies - Digital marketing agencies - Advertising Companies Below are selected samples of my works. 山葵夕子(わさびゆうこ) アメリカの大学CSUHでマスコミ学部ジャーナリズム学科を卒業したのち、大手IT出版社を経てフリーに。2008年、『ハズレモノの主張』で第6回集英社開高健ノンフィクション賞最終候補。2015年、世界のアーティストを集めたウイーンのアーティストインレジデンスプログラム『Air’15 Residency』に選出。ビジネス、イノベーション、医療、脳科学、心理、文化人類、婚礼、テクノロジー、食、地域創生、ジェンダー、セクシャリティと執筆分野は問わず。書籍、雑誌、ネットメディアの監修・立ち上げ、 企画編集、取材執筆を行なう。アマン京都のプレオープニングイベント『秋山章きものショー』のプロデュース、学生や市民向けライティング指導も。過去掲載媒体:リクナビNEXTジャーナル、次世代リーダーサミット、毎日スポニチTAP-i、ダ・ヴィンチニュース、日本の結婚式、WeddingBOOK、Menjoy!ほか多数。
Jornalista | Editora | Redatora | Repórter | Social Media
Oie! Meu nome é Rafaela Paiva, tenho 25 anos e sou formada em Jornalismo pela Universidade São Judas Tadeu. Com quase 5 anos de experiência em jornalismo de beleza e entretenimento, já trabalhei para veículos como Rolling Stone, CARAS Brasil e Máxima Digital. Atualmente, produzo conteúdo para o site e as redes sociais do Hollywood Forever TV (
I have years of experience writing engaging prose and editing content. My intelligence leads me to the latest scoops, my expertise allows readers to easily comprehend trending news and my style guides me on my journey through the streets. I strive to learn new things, stay ahead of the competition, and, of course, dress for success.
Creative Writer.
Hey! I'm what you'd call a general service writer, LOL. I write from the heart and about three major themes; fiction, politics, sports, and everything in between. I'm a STEM graduate who found his love for writing and has been doing so for half a decade through freelancing. I shine in writing African-themed stories.
Journalist, Author & Copywriter
I wrote my first story at the age of 8. I recall showing it to my teacher back then, who in turn read it aloud to my class. That was the beginning of my writing career. When university applications rolled around, I found myself knee-deep in personal statements, as I was the go-to editor at school. My first university assignment was a personal essay, where I wrote about the time I fell off a horse, and the horse then fell on my leg (there's really no other way to put it.) My professor's comment? You have the makings of a features writer. I'm very grateful to have had people in my life support my ambitions, whether it was friends, family or teachers. Now, with over a decade of professional experience, I've written about everything from dog food to luxury racing simulators. Writing is what I do, and you'll see that in the samples below. If you'd like to learn more, please feel free to reach out!
Writer & Editor
Aruka Sanchir is an experienced editor in the writing and editing industry focused on telling unique stories through strong media and communication skills.
Journalist | Founding Editor | Expert in Travel, Fashion, Entertainment, Culture, Remote Work & African Diaspora Writing
Hi there! I'm Faith Katunga, a versatile journalist passionate about exploring the world, celebrating diverse cultures, and empowering women. I am well-versed in writing about travel, fashion, entertainment, culture, remote work, and the African diaspora. With a keen eye for storytelling, I have successfully curated engaging content that resonates with audiences from all walks of life. From thought-provoking articles to captivating interviews, I strive to provide a platform that entertains, sparks conversations, fosters connections, and drives positive change.
Business Journalist
About me... I am an experienced writer, editor and business journalist. I have so far had the pleasure of writing for peak body organisations, not-for-profits, industry leaders, national and international franchises, SMEs, and sole traders. I value respect, passion, creativity, equity, and courage above all else. I grew up in a rural village and regional stories remain very dear to my heart. I am currently working as a business journalist for Region Media and loving every minute. Writing is my world. Come and join me in it!