Creative Writing

"Bang" is one of the most common onomatopoeic words for drumming!

Sound Effects in Writing: 25 Onomatopoeic Words a Writer Should Know

An onomatopoeic word is a word that sounds like the article, verb or adjective it is describing. Think about how the word “crunch” sounds like the actual sound produced when you “crunch”, for instance. These words can improve your writing by giving a dramatic effect that brings to life the subject matter that you’re presenting …

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Women giving speech

10 Types of Speeches Every Speechwriter Should Know

“Speech is power. Speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel.” — Ralph Waldo Emmerson Many events in human history can be traced back to that one well-written, well-presented speech. Speeches hold the power to move nations or touch hearts as long as they’re well thought out. This is why mastering the skill of speech-giving …

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Entry level creative writing job splash

Scoring An Entry Level Creative Writing Job: 10 Things to Know

Creative writers can develop entire worlds rich with plot twists – but getting paid for your talent is another matter. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the average writer makes $62,170, but that’s a long shot if you’re just getting started. Even an entry level creative writing job demands an in-depth understanding of the market, preparation and patience. As a professional writer in the industry for 20 years, I know the frustrations – and the best practices to foster a successful career.

5 Creative Writing Portfolio Examples To Get You Started

As a creative writer, you’re versatile. You’re skilled at weaving narratives that are compelling and inventive. When you’re in the zone, it feels like the words just flow from your fingers and onto the page… well, except when writing your own portfolio. Sound familiar? You’re not alone – sometimes, the hardest writing to do is the kind promoting yourself and your own skills. Yet, it’s an essential task if you want to make a living as a creative writer. To help clear up the writer’s block that can happen when creating your portfolio, take a look at these five creative writing portfolio examples.

Creative writing jobs

8 Creative Writing Jobs You May Not Have Heard Of

You’ve heard of the typical creative writing jobs: novelist, feature writer or copywriter, for example. But professionals in these roles account for only a small percentage of the population that makes a living writing. So what other jobs are there for creative writers? Here, we’ll share 8 creative writing jobs you may never have heard …

8 Creative Writing Jobs You May Not Have Heard Of Read More »