News Journalists

Browse the directory of news journalists below. We found 203 news journalists listed.

Felipe Rinald


Formado em Comunicação Social com habilitação em Jornalismo pelas Faculdades Integradas de Jaú em 2018, possuo experiência com design, criação de peças e campanhas publicitárias para grandes e pequenas marcas, animações em 2D e 3D, edição e captação de vídeo e Jornalismo Televisivo. Tenho 29 anos, já trabalhei em agências de publicidade, política, grandes empresas de comunicação e tenho um canal no Tiktok o @perguntaeresposta onde falo de curiosidades do mundo, com mais de 20 Mil seguidores.


Eylul Deniz Yasar

Journalist, Videographer

Trilingual (Turkish, English, German) investigative journo with a penchant for visual storytelling, based in Istanbul, Turkey, focusing on politics, human rights with occasional forays into cultures, art, and travel. Fond of representing the human condition turning the eyes on topics deemed as taboo and social identities which are discriminated against, othered and disenfranchised such as the homeless people, Kurds, LGBTIs, the most disadvantaged working-class people. Skilled in camera work, editing, photography, and feature writing with 7 years of writing & 5 years of video journalism experience. Former political editor and Turkey correspondent of Medya News international news portal. Published features & articles in Turkey's national media outlets Gazette Duvar, Mesopotamia Agency & Birikim magazine. Works appeared: in ARTE, Belfast Telegraph, RT, Spectee News. Member of independent video activist collective Seyri Sokak since 2017. Below are some of my work in English. More samples and references are available upon request. Contact via: [email protected]

Diane Woodring

Digital Content Producer

A passionate, creative and dedicated journalist with a decade of experience in broadcast news, sports and live event production. Became a part of the web team at the Toledo, Ohio CBS affiliate three years ago with a focus on "mixed-media" journalism, combining a love of photography with written word. Always up for a challenge and an opportunity for growth. Best described as a combination of Peter Parker and Lois Lane.


Hélder Rafael


Escrevendo de Mato Grosso do Sul para o mundo! Já fiz de tudo um pouco na profissão de jornalista. Mas o que me move mesmo é contar boas histórias. Faço um esforço consciente para que meus escritos estejam à altura dos personagens, de suas vivências, e também das expectativas dos leitores por textos ricos e profundos.


Mauricio Luque


Former lawyer, I moved to Internet in 2,000.

Cara Jenkin

Freelance journalist, writer, content creator, wordsmith

I'm ready to spread the news fast or share your stories with flair. I'm keen to be involved in any assignment or project that involves creating words that your readers will actually want to read, be it blogs, company profiles or media releases as well as news and feature articles. I'm an experienced communications professional as a reporter & editor in media across news, features and sport. While I have specialised in topics such as employment, motorsport and the environment in the past, I'm enjoying the breadth that freelancing brings. I'm based in Adelaide, South Australia, and regularly travel throughout this great state.

David Hasley


Early on I was referred to as a business and banking whiz. I excelled at commercial banking and business consulting, and I moonlighted in cartooning and screenwriting. My evenings took a turn away from entertainment when a banking client asked me to write STARTING UP, a guide for starting and managing your own business. Subsequently, I transitioned to investment management where I oversaw investor communications for a major investment management firm. My real estate and investment savvy grew exponentially during this period as did my writing, designing and editing abilities. Since then, I've owned and operated two successful businesses and I've continued to hone my writing skills. Scripting, training, correspondence, advertisements, marketing and sales materials, investment reports and newsletters are just a few of the types of communications in which I have experience. I would welcome an opportunity to work, learn and grow with you.


beth welbers


Found myself realizing a lifelong dream of becoming involved in journalism recently. I love writing a story that informs and often moves people. I want to turn this page and begin the next chapter. Here are some of my favorite pieces.


Delaney Amatrudo


I am a freelance copywriter based in Nashville, TN. I hold a Bachelor's Degree from New York University and currently work on both marketing and blog content for


Valentina Veronica Peana

Travel, Culture and Lifestyle Editor - Creative Strategist - Storyteller

classe 1992 Mai saputo cosa fare da grande, alla fine sono tornata a quanto già amavo fare da bambina: essere curiosa, parlare con tutti e scrivere per raccontare storie.