Thomas Evans

Freelance Copywriter

United Kingdom

A young, ambitious writer who works well independently and under instruction with experience in writing marketing and journalistic content.

Free Legal Advice
How much compensation can I claim for a concussion injury? - Free Legal Advice

Concussions and serious head trauma are among the most overlooked injuries in the UK. For those playing sports, especially, such injuries can be easily overlooked. To examine one sport in particular, concussion rates in rugby have risen by as much as 59%, according to a study by the England Professional Rugby Injury Surveillance Project.

Free Legal Advice
How Much Compensation Can I Claim For A Arm Injury? - Free Legal Advice

Accidents causing arm injuries are surprisingly common for individuals to suffer from, especially as result of how fragile the connections between the wrist and arm are. Arm injuries can be among the most debilitating due to how necessary working arms are for your peace of mind and active function in modern society.