Tatum Derin

Editor and Writer


As her university research editor Tatum Derin writes best when the office is full of academic-loving fellow scholars. Her research papers must go through the long process called peer-review but her website articles, online stories and poems have no such lengthy barrier other than the 'OK' of her news Editor-in-Chief and yours truly. Amusingly, her high school yearbook pegged her accurately as the rude, selfish, and secretly nice young lady. You can find out for sure by tagging her instagram @derintatum or send an awesome mail to [email protected]

4.1 English Class
The Paradox of Early Childhood Education in Indonesia

Tatum Derin A highly popular phrase Indonesians use to explain the state of their low educational quality is "we're not low in resources, we're poor in terms of opportunities." Indonesians see a solution in giving access to Early-childhood education (ECE), locally known as Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) as it's apparently cost-effective investment to make...

College Journal
Mengapa Kita Belajar Semantics

First things first, do watch Arrival (2016) which is currently the best movie that features a semantics professor as the lead character. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFMo3UJ4B4g Ok, onto the reasons why we study semantics. Semantics sebagai ilmu tentang makna bahasa membuatnya menjadi inti pusat dalam komunikasi dan menjadi faktor yang sangat penting dalam bagaimana interaksi sesama individu→kelompok→organisasi→masyarakat terbentuk.

Revised Syntax of 5 Learning Models

A theoretical attempt to revise the general syntax of five of the most common learning models in classroom teaching: Direct Instruction, Cooperative, Problem-Based Learning, Contextual, and Classroom Discussion.

College Journal
Islamic Reflections: Can I as a Muslim Celebrate Gregorian New Year?

On an unrelated note, I like the word Luna. Man in the Moon Tsar Luna. The witch Luna Lovegood. And the likes. Islamic/Hijri Calendar is based on the lunar system (based on the moon phases), and lunar year is not dependant on varying seasons or weather conditions unlike Gregorian calendar which is based on the...

Push Attention on Me - Tatum Derin

You don't have to blame yourself We all want attention There's an easy way to get it from the elf And to stop the train station . That's the way Don't push me away And let me help you Seal all the ...

Article Review
Review of "Anxiety: Stress, Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety, and Enjoyment During Study Abroad...

A review of an anxiety research article that did not merely contribute into the study of the most common problematic emotion in studying a foreign language let alone doing it abroad (Wu et al., 2015), but they closely examined numerous anxiety research and its latest methodology (referencing 97 studies ranging from 1953 to 2017), used four sets of methods to measure four different elements—of which they brought forth an innovative new method that is significantly less invasive than the old...

College Journal
Referensi (Reference/Citation) agar Karya Tulismu bukan Hasil Pencurian (Plagiarism)

Saat menulis makalah penelitian / membuat proyek penelitian, kamu akan (dan memang harus) menggunakan karya orang lain untuk membantu mengembangkan tugas kamu sendiri karena hasil penelitian orang lain adalah pendukung penelitian kamu sendiri. Peneliti, mahasiswa, sarjana yang baik-mereka menggunakan karya individu lain dengan cara yang bertanggung jawab tanpa plagiarisme. Plagiat?