Susan Nathan

Copywriter. Social Media.

United States of America

Website Homepage
Happiness in a Bottle

Introductory homepage for the launch of giggle lotions & potions.

Kwiat Editorial Hub
Diamond Education

An editorial hub with a focus on growing organic growth and positioning the brand through education.

Crib Notes

Concepted email with a focus on various nursery designs and styles.

AptDeco Blog
Declutter Your Life (and Space)

You’ve probably heard the phrase “minimalize your lifestyle.” While in theory it sounds good, it’s not always so easy to implement into reality. Paring down and getting rid of all your stuff? That’s for magazines and Instagram shots, not real people.


An email promoting jewelry designed for a cause.

Print Ad
Las Vegas Ad

A print ad for a new store opening.

Instagram Post

A point-of-view post guiding new parents on nursery style.

Fred Leighton
Instagram Post

A social media post conveying the history of a piece of antique jewelry.

Skip Hop
Product Names

A variety of options was given to the client. The client chose Vibrant Village for the overall theme. They also chose from one of each option for the individual toys in this activity set.

Nolita Neoprene Diaper Tote

Nolita Neoprene Diaper Tote from Shop clothing & accessories from a trusted name in kids, toddlers, and baby clothes.

Product Description

A giggle-branded product description for a Jonathan Adler children's lamp using information provided by the merchandising team.

Product Description

A giggle-branded product description for a set of decals using the limited information provided to the merchandising team. I researched the product and used a sample to put together the full description.

AptDeco Blog
9 Ideas to Turn Your Bachelor Pad from Tacky to Classy

Having an XY chromosome doesn’t mean you shouldn’t or can’t have a bangin’ place. If decking out your home feels like a challenge, you’re in good company. Men, especially single men, often feel like they don’t or can’t spruce up their home. Bachelors everywhere wonder what they should do and ultimately do nothing.