Ryan McKernan

Content Writer

Hi, my name is Ryan and this is my online portfolio. I'm a content writer and editor with over a decade of experience through a wide range of media. Notable clients include The University Wits, Teen Truth, Epic Entertainment, the YMCA, and the University of Texas. I can be reached at [email protected]



13 Reasons Why Blog & Email Blast

This email blast had an open rate of 281%. The blog post remains one of the most visited on the site. I've written and edited several blog posts and email campaigns for TEEN TRUTH and its counterpart RISING UP.



Epic Entertainment
Typewriter Poet

In addition to the work I did for EPIC's webpage, I also worked (and on occasion, still work) as a typewriter poet! It's probably the coolest writing gig in the world.

YMCA Fitness Assessment

Here's a brief, slightly more technical document. I was given the opportunity to create an updated fitness assessment for YMCA Townlake with my colleague, Rhonda Huynh. The assessment remains in regular use by personal trainers at the YMCA.