Rhea Arora


United States of America

My name is Rhea Arora and I’m an English and Political Science double major at Washington College, MD. I’m an Indian citizen and a graduating senior. I not only have experience producing content but also am immensely enthusiastic about it— my (self-deprecating) Twitter feed and (iPhone photography) Instagram account will prove this to you.

In the interest of full disclosure, I quit trying to solve a Rubik's cube in the 7th grade, but my interest in challenging work extended to receiving an American education an ocean away from home, studying abroad and traveling solo in Europe, and attempting to nonchalantly impress employers in job applications. My interest in the media has led me to intern with Traciana Graves as Social Media Intern, Loriann Oberlin as Editing, Promotion, & Publishing Intern, NDTV as Newsroom Intern, and KPMG as Strategy & Operations Intern. I currently hold 2 writing/communications focused jobs- Admissions Intern and Writing Consultant and the Writing Center at Washington College.


Prompts provided


Side Hustling with Neisha

A profile on a college administrator submitted to Dr. E O'Connor for Introduction to Journalism (ENG 294) at Washington College

Creative Writing

Washington College Collegian
Roommates, parents, and rice

A set of trilingual essays fictionalizing the contemporary immigrant experience of an Indian student at North American university.

Odyssey Online
To Kolkata, With Love

A creative writing piece formatted as an open letter to the city of Kolkata, illustrating the experience of living away from home.

Site: A Cityscape

An innovative and visual take on a traditional creative writing essay submitted to Dr. R. Mooney for Introduction to Fiction (ENG 220) during my sophomore year at Washington College.