Michael Colon


United States

Author Interview: Michael Colon

By Interviews With Writers We use affiliate links on this website, which means that when you click a link, we may earn a commission if you place an order, at no additional cost to you. Tell us about yourself. My name is Michael Colon born and raised in New York City.

Featured Author Michael Colon - Awesome Book Promotion

Featured Interview With Author Michael Colon Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now? My name is Michael Colon born and raised in New York City. I am a novelist and a freelance writer. My author's story is about hard work, perseverance, and believing in the power of imagination.

Interview with Author - Michael Colon

About Michael Colon: Michael Colon is a creative freelance writer and novelist, born and raised in the Big Apple, New York City. He uses his craft to profoundly impact the lives of others with thought-provoking words that breathe life into his characters. He often equates his writing to painting masterpieces with prose.

Interview with sci-fi author Michael Colon

Sci-fi author Michael Colon chats with me today about his new novel, The Gift from Aelius. Bio: Michael Colon is a creative freelance writer and novelist, born and raised in the Big Apple, New York City. He uses his craft to profoundly impact the lives of others with thought-provoking words that breathe life into his characters.

Helpful Living Magazine
Helpful Living Magazine Issue 20 - Helpful Living Magazine

Helpful Living Magazine is designed for individuals to educate, engage and understand mental health. Our magazine, has cover to cover articles where you will find interviews, wellness activities, stories, and articles about mental health and wellness. Our mission is to close the gap with mental heal

Taking a Hike Through God's Organic Gift to Humanity

I stand before an impressive showcasing of stone steps at the start of the Bear Mountain trail. Each stone step was carved and placed down for an expiring heart. The hundreds of stone steps represent a granite wonderland with earth growing around it.

The Gift from Aelius, Michael Colon, Sci-Fi TWB Press

In the not-too distant future, A191, a Codex with artificial intelligence, feels like a misfit in Paradise, a walled city in the middle of an endless desert where humans imprisoned his race long ago. He's not like the others of his kind; he longs to meet humans and make peace with them so man and Codexes can be reunited in the world.

Old School Gamer Magazine
Digital Nostalgia - Old School Gamer Magazine

Growing up in the 90s and early 2000s, I was gifted my first video game console. My Grandfather bought me the first Playstation for my birthday with the original Crash Bandicoot, a naughty dog developer staple. I remember my Grandpa setting up the Playstation console to my clunky television in my bedroom and popping in [...]

Shot Glass Journal - Michael Colon

Ecstasy and Solace in Rhythm All worries fade away on the paradise of asphalt. The sun will always rise and set through the elevated goal. In this sport, our indifference comes to a halt. Elegant moves and explosive power in a game of constant thought.

Gifted Magazine | Empowering Excellence, Inspiring Individuals, and Celebrating Community
| Our Love Stories as Singularities | Gifted Magazine

Comparing ourselves to others is the thief of happiness, and the real bank thief is living in the shadow of something or someone who doesn't care. Magazine |

Kosmos Journal
The Healing Joy of a Hike in the Woods

The earth reminds us of how we must treat our home, and how that reflects our care for ourselves and each other. A cluttered mind is like a disordered space, whereas a temple cared for with love and respect can stand the test of time, its beauty woven into every moment.

High Summer 2024

With this issue of Evergreen, we examine echoes of the eternal - where the soul longs to be attuned, yet our present realities are still replete with dissonan

Gifted Magazine | Empowering Excellence, Inspiring Individuals, and Celebrating Community
The Artistic Expression Called Living | Gifted Magazine

All aspects of life that are disturbing, exciting, and progressive are on a positive and negative scale that measures the beauty of life as you consider it. |

Gifted Magazine | Empowering Excellence, Inspiring Individuals, and Celebrating Community
Paper Planes of Imagination | Gifted Magazine

A childlike thought process does not interact with outside influences other than those it creates in its consciousness.

Olympic Medaling: The Spirit of Competition

Olympic Medaling: The Spirit of Competition, a creative essay about the summer Olympics. My essay is an artistic and poetic expression of the spirit of competit

Pathway | Christian Newspaper

Worship Schedule ✞ November 2023 November 5th Worship: Communion/All Saints Sunday / Scripture: Revelation 7:9-17; Psalm 34:1-10, 22; 1 John 3:1-3; Matthew 5:1-12 Sermon: "A New Way" November 12th Worship: Stewardship Sunday / Scripture: Amos 5:18-24; Psalm 70; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Matthew 25:1-13 Sermon: "Full Life Investment" November 19th Worship:

Keep God in Life
Conquering Death: Heaven's Journey Into Now and Forever

From the moment we are birthed into this world, our bodies immediately decay on the cellular level. The hourglass gets flipped over, emptying our beach of choices and memories until it all hits the bottom as planned by God. The lights of this world go out, and a glimmer of a new light can be seen in the distance.

Living Water

"Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." Genesis 1:2 Water is the most essential and fundamental element known for allowing life to develop and flourish.

Write for Jesus
In His Image

We, as human beings, are made in the image of God. Whether someone goes to church or not, everyone has heard about being made in the image of God at some point in their lives. So, what does being made in God's image mean? We are not made in His likeness from a physical standpoint.

Get a Dose of Inspiration | Motivation Matter
Michael Colon, Author at Get a Dose of Inspiration | Motivation Matter

Never at any point in human history has there been access to the plethora of information in today's society. Ever since the conception of the internet to the cloud-based systems we utilize now, digital wealth has been granted just by moving our fingertips on a touch screen.

LogoSophia Magazine
The Eternal Glow from Within and Beyond: How to Activate God's Light

By Michael Colon ... To see and activate God's glory from the black void of our soul, we must believe and practice attributes that comprise the Christian faith. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can re-stitch our hearts and flick the switch in our souls where the light never dies.

Issue Thirty-Eight of Like the Wind Running Magazin(page 75)

👟 Inspiring stories for runners, by runners 📸 Original illustrations & photography ⚡️ One-of-a-kind design 🌿 Sustainable, high-quality printing (and we plant trees!) 📬 Delivered to your mailbox every quarter 🌎 Worldwide shipping "A great read. It's inspiring to find stories by the likes of Scott Jurek side by side with stories by ordinary runners."

Habitat for Wellness
A Dreamers Will

What does it mean to be a dreamer and how can we better ourselves? Many people feel like they don't have a purpose in life, but we are all capable of success when we work on ourselves.

Creative Writing: An Everlasting Muse - LIFE AS A HUMAN

Creative writing is a form of communication that allows us to share our thoughts without saying a word. Thoughts are no longer invisible to the naked eye but clear as day in the hearts of many. Writing is a language that breaks barriers within ourselves, shattering the mold of external factors that shaped us from birth.

Faith On Every Corner - December 2022

Faith On Every Corner is a free digital magazine published monthly. In each issue, you will find stories, articles, photography, and testimony that are inspiring and educational. We also show how everyday people are making a difference in their communities through acts of faith and service.

Calla Press
A Willful Gift by Michael Colon

The wonderful thing about a gift is that we don't know what it is before opening it. Is a gift truly a gift if we know what's under the wrapping? It's debatable. We typically don't like too many unknowns in our daily lives.

Searching for God: The Grand Artist and Creation by Michael Colon | Joy to the World Issue 14 |...

Art is a method of expression that involves imagination, personal experiences, and creative technical skills. Artistic expression takes on many forms, such as paintings, sculptures, music, film, literature, and other sensory-based stimulants that trigger human emotions and thought processes. Art is not just in museums; it is all around us, hung up and plastered onto...

The Beautiful Nature of Time - Undercurrent

The clock's ticking sound plays the melody we all dance to in this life. Every decision we make is in harmony with the rhythm of the song we are meant to enjoy. We are all dancing and singing along until the lights go out, then it is someone else's turn to step in tune with the recording life has ready for them.

About Happy Life
3 Powerful Tips to Think Clearly - About Happy Life

Posted By Alex Perez - Mental Health Writer, B.A. In life, there will be times when we will have to make critical decisions, and in these moments it is of critical importance to think clearly. Since life is a matter of our choices, avoiding the hard choices is inevitable.

Virtues For Life
Wearing a Hero's Cape: Striving to Be Your Best Self - Virtues For Life

By Michael Colon The path a hero walks leaves a trail of light for others to follow. But it may be overwhelming to those who are not prepared for the journey. The reason for that would be what the light consists of- truth, courage, hope, love, and an open mind beyond our comprehension.

Virtues For Life
4 Ways to Fight the Good Fight - Virtues For Life

By Michael Colon As I sit on the train in New York City while it rattles through the seemingly endless underground highway of tunnels during the morning rush, I realize how privileged I am to fight the good fight. Fighting the good fight means trying our hardest to be better versions of ourselves every day to handle life's battles.