


Alan, Syrian refugees, and our responsibilities

The photo of Alan, the Syrian child found lifeless on the beach in Bodrum, Turkey, has been shown around the world, inciting anger and emotion. But his story is at risk of being soon forgotten if we don't decide to go back to the roots of this migrant tragedy.

Associazione Utoya
Con la Siria nel cuore: reportage dalla valle della Bekaa - Associazione Utoya

La guerra non è poi così lontana dai tetti di Beirut. Una volta lasciati alle spalle i caffè e i grattacieli beirutini, io e gli altri ragazzi del progetto Refugee Aid ci siamo addentrati nella valle della Bekaa, valle fertile dalla storia millenaria ad appena un paio di ore dal confine siriano.

Refugee Aid Project
First day in Moss'ab el-Teliany camp

One third of Lebanon's official population is composed of Syrian refugees. According to the UNHCR, Lebanon is currently hosting the largest number of refugees in recent history: 1.172.753 million people in a country of just over 4 million native inhabitants. These indicators depict the unprecedented and growing humanitarian crisis that "the country of the Cedars"...

Refugee Aid Project
The Journey Of A Taxi Driver Throughout The Syrian War

War is not that far away from Beirut' rooftops. After having left the fancy cafés and skyscrapers of the capital I, along with the other interns of the Refugee Aid project, penetrated the fertile and thousand-year Bekaa Valley which is a couple of hours' distance from Syria.

Refugee Aid Project
Oh Daraa, don't be afraid

Mohammed is a student of Mos'ab al-Telyani camp, he comes from Daraa, the city which lit the flame of the Syrian revolution four years ago. Daraa, where it all began Daraa is the capital of the Hawran province in southern Syria; it lies just a few miles from the Jordanian border and it's known as the...