Angela Natividad

Digital Content Manager and Editor for Know Your DNA


Angela is the editor and content manager at Know Your DNA. When she's not doing research on the latest and greatest in DNA, science, and health, she's writing poetry, seeking out new films, and painting.

Everything You Need to Know About Sperm Motility

Learn about sperm motility and why it is important for your health. Understand the basics of sperm motility and how it affects fertility. Get the facts and take action to improve your reproductive health.

Secondary Infertility: Why Does It Happen?

Learn about secondary infertility and what you can do to increase your chances of conceiving. Get the facts on causes, treatments, and how to manage your fertility.

Should You Undergo Prenatal Genetic Testing?

Learn about the importance of genetic testing during pregnancy and the different types of tests available. Get the facts on the risks and benefits of genetic testing while pregnant so you can learn more about your baby and what you can do to prepare.

Does Coffee Dehydrate You?

In short: Yes. Drinking coffee-or at least ingesting the caffeine in coffee-does have a diuretic effect of making you urinate more, which can cause dehydration.

What are Traits in Genetics?

A trait is a specific characteristic found in an individual. It can be something physical and immediately observable, such as eye or hair color, or something