Gena Hymowech

Health and Lifestyle Writer

United States

I am a writer with over 20 years of experience. I started my career as a journalist with a BA in Journalism from Brooklyn College. My journalism, typically arts related, has been published by Slate, the New York Post, Time Out New York, Lambda Literary, GO and Self, to name just a couple. In the past few years, I switched more to a health focus, blogging for Nurx and Uqora, and ghostwriting for a nutritionist and prominent pelvic floor physical therapist. My work is well-researched, captivating, and easy for everyday folks to read. The following clips will give you an idea of my writing style.

Yahoo Life
How Eating Disorders Impact Older Women: 'The Changing Body Is a Trigger'

Joan Rivers struggled with bulimia and anorexia, according to the new biography Last Girl Before Freeway: The Life, Loves, Losses, and Liberation of Joan Rivers by Leslie Bennetts. Precisely when she developed anorexia is unclear, but Rivers wrote about the bulimia, which started after her husband Edgar Rosenberg's death, in her book Bouncing Back: I've Survived Everything...

Easy Health Options®
7 easy, drug-free ways to live life better with lupus

If you have lupus, you know it can flare up and settle down. It can also leave you at higher risk of having cancer or an infection. Natural strategies, such as incorporating or avoiding certain foods and supplements, and changing your lifestyle, will not cure lupus - nothing will -- but they could help.

Easy Health Options®
4 health conditions keto could help you conquer

But should you or your family try the keto diet if you have no interest in losing weight? Perhaps. Here's some proof that keto affects more than just your waistline...

Nurx™ Healthcare from Home

Persistent discomfort down there can indicate an underlying medical problem. Here are five reasons your vagina may be in pain and how to fix them.

Revitalize Physical Therapy
Yoga: A Secret Way to Take Charge of Pelvic Health - Revitalize Physical Therapy

What do you think of when you think of yoga? Relaxation? Flexibility? Strength? Balance? Community? Sure, yoga can provide all these things, but were you also aware of the potential benefits to your pelvic floor? Surprising but true: Yoga is one of many tools that puts a patient in control of their own recovery, ...