Frank Vassil


United States of America

I always liked finding what drove consumers and produces to do something. I believe this is what led me on the path that I'm on today.
I am currently a senior studying Strategic Communication at The Ohio State University. I expect to graduate in May of 2018. When I stated my schooling here at Ohio State, I feel in love with marketing and advertising. I decided to take the leap and haven't looked back since. Before taking this leap, I was lost and bored. I was indecisive on what to study or do. Finally, it happened and now it is almost over.

After graduation I plan on moving to Seattle to start a career in Marketing/Advertising. Moving out west would be a dream of mine, that will become a reality in a short few months.

When I am not doing school work, I enjoy spending my time watching movies and relaxing.

Feel free to reach out to me for opportunities or advice.

Email: [email protected]

Pure Barre SWOT Analysis

This is a SWOT analysis on Pure Barre. I am not affiliated with this organization.

Second News Release
Digfest cools the summer heat

This is a news release about the Grandview Digfest that occurs in June. I am not affiliated with this organization.

News Release
Veterans get much needed job help

This is a news release about and their veterans job fair. I am not affiliated with this organization.