Emily Burns, M.A.

United States

Emily Burns is a writer and editor based out of Austin, TX. Her passions include travel, writing, and live music.

7 Things Every Marketer Should Be Doing Right Now

Marketers around the world right now are doing their best to keep their audience engaged and active. While no one really knows what the world will look like a month or even two weeks from now, it's important that we keep our marketing wheels turning.

Hone Your Hiring Process

Whether you're an employer or a job seeker, the hiring process is often not as easy as we'd like it to be. Many of us have been on both sides of the table and, if we're being honest, have had some not so great experiences.

Let's get digital
How The Web Continues To Change The Future Of Business

Coined in 2004 by Wired's Editor-in-Chief, Chris Anderson, the term "long tail" refers to the business concept that low-demand products have the potential to make up a market share that can surpass current best-sellers if they have a large enough distribution channel. So, what does this really mean?

Journalism in the Age of Terrorism

In an era when terrorist organizations like ISIS are seen as a very real and constant threat to public safety, reporting from conflict zones has become increasingly dangerous for journalists. This increased risk also comes at a time when the media is struggling to fight against the overwhelming perpetuation of false news.

Texts From Last Night
21 Insanely Clever Versions Of Everyday Products

Tired of using the same boring products day in and day out? Do you need a little spice in your life? Well, you've come to the right place. We like to think even little changes have the power to make a mundane ritual more exciting.

Christiane Amanpour on Sex & Love Around the World

Day two of South by Southwest was a wonderfully chaotic blur. With at least double the attendees since Friday and dozens of new panels, the excitement was practically tangible. My own excitement was fueled by the knowledge that the day had finally come when I would witness one of my life-long role models, internationally renowned journalist Christiane Amanpour, speak in-person.

Let's get digital
Here Comes The Remix

The term "remix" is far from foreign for the internet age we thrive in today. It seems as though every other song is an amalgamation of previous work, electronically altered and engineered to sound just different enough from its original construction. I could spend this entire post listing out popular music producers who've found their...