Daniel Mansoor

CEO – Chief Eleemonsynary Officer

United States

I've spent my career following a passion: understanding the motivation that drives people to give charitably to so many causes. In turn, my nonprofit clients learn how to build quality relationships with donors – and then successfully solicit significant gifts. I focus on celebrating the generosity of the individual and working to permanently improve the effectiveness of nonprofits. My research in applying the principles of behavioral economics and psychology to fundraising dramatically increases the success of nonprofit staff, boards, and volunteers.

Candid Blog
Science, technology, and design: A new framework in fundraising | Candid Blog

Is there anyone who doesn't believe that our times – and the fundraising climate – haven't shifted dramatically in the past year? And the return to a new normal will be anything but normal? The good news: you don't have to change anything to continue to secure philanthropic support from your donors and prospects.

Candid Learning
The end of fundraising as we known it

Even before the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, racial strife, economic downturn, and political maelstrom, our industry was changing. For many practitioners, we simply sensed that our equilibrium was off and something about our work was uncomfortable and changing. We just haven't had much time to process or analyze what this is.

What Do I Do Now? Fundraising and Covid-19

I've been asked the same question so many times by colleagues and clients: "What do I do now when everything seems to be about COVID-19 and social distancing? My cause doesn't seem to get any attention (should it?) when people are worried, people are getting sick, people are dying."

Why you should give on January 1!

The numbers are now familiar to most fundraisers: Over 30% of all charitable giving is done in December. The last three days of the year account for 12% of the year's online giving.

Women and Millennials and (Big Red) Bears - Oh My!

Yes, the demographics and psycho-graphics of the alumni are changing, but human nature is not. On the flight home (Cleveland) from an Alumni Leadership Conference (Boston) of my beloved alma mater (Cornell), I reflected on the alumni affairs strategic planning discussion.

The Perfect Fundraising Letter

Daniel Mansoor is the founder of GoodWorks -- a fundraising and development consultancy that seeks to improve the performance of nonprofits and the rewards of giving. "What makes for a great fundraising letter?" [No such thing as perfect!] This question was posed to me at the completion of a three-h

Can a great fundraising letter not mention fundraising?

For the past 21 years I have authored a fundraising letter for my university class memorial scholarship. Ever-conscious of my atrocious verbal SAT scores, over the years I have tried to find a literary voice - my voice.