Chris Whiting

Freelance writer

United Kingdom

Freelance journalist and columnist, proficient in written communication and passionate about politics, current affairs and sport.

Twitter: @chrisrwhiting

Email: [email protected]

The Huffington Post
5000/1: The Unbelievable City

I've never been a patriot, I've never felt particularly enamoured when I see the Union Jack flying high in the sky or when Rule Britannia bellows at the Proms, but the feeling I get when I spot Gary Lineker on TV or take a bite in to a Red Leicester cob has the complete opposite effect.

The Huffington Post
The Force Awakens... And Bursts Back To Life!

Last night, the Force and my childhood awoke. JJ Abrams' long-awaited first installment of Star Wars' sequel trilogy hit the silver screen this week and, spoiler alert - it was epic. I have been fanatical about Star Wars ever since I was four years old.

The Huffington Post
Stand Aside, Let the Refugees In!

It's a disgrace! Thousands and thousands of migrants are trying to get in to our country illegally, and Mr. Cameron and the British government are doing absolutely nothing about it. Thousands of them, climbing aboard Lorries and whatnot, just so they can come and make our county their refuge - the situation's absolutely appalling.

The Huffington Post
Champions Of England? You're Having A Laugh

The creeping tide of familiar mediocrity may be comforting for Gary Lineker, but for those of us who woke up at 6am to travel to Southampton on Sunday, or any Leicester fan who has followed the Foxes around the country this season, the mood is of abject frustration not comfort.