Bianca King

Editorial and Copy Manager | Creative Leader

United States

I’m a killer writer and an editor, and a skilled project manager of both. I have 20 years of experience writing professionally, and I work on both web and print copy and content.

I have read manically since childhood, and written for others since I could hold a quill upright. I started editing other writers' work when I was in secondary college, and have not stopped. Not even for water.

As a writer, I began my (paid) career as an associate editor of magazines. I wrote all content and features that were not outsourced. Outside of the magazines, I also wrote all company and client material, and managed quality control for all marketing material.

In that previous role, I was responsible for publishing six print magazines, all company web content, and scripting two podcasts. I worked in tandem with teams on new projects, including the launch of two new magazines and subsequent websites.

I have successfully selected, overseen and developed new writers, editors and teams of both. I am brimming with content and ideas, and am in my element given the chance to brainstorm, mentor, commission, write and edit.

I excel at the management of creative teams, freelancers and all aspects of editorial production, planning and strategy.

While leading comes naturally, I really want to contribute to a team’s performance. I love to collaborate, I am creative and people’s brains are wonderful. Making authentic connections with colleagues, clients and others is essential to create success, and I am proud to build trust and rapport with others quickly.

As a writer and editor (or project manager of both) being accountable is important to me. Company culture and quality colleagues are a priority, as work/life balance is to everyone.

I’m flexible, entrepreneurial and will always accept a challenge.

