Bambang Ramdhan

Editor and Writer


I am a versatile and creative editor/writer fuses a background in journalism and academics. I am Communication enthusiast.

Sony Xperia E4 Dual REVIEW - Gadget+

Sony Xperia E4 Dual adalah impian bagi mereka penggemar Xperia yang mendambakan Smartphone dengan harga terjangkau, desain tidak murahan serta kemampuan menjalankan dua SIM sekaligus

Gadget+ Magazine
The Fives to Fullfill Your Wanderlust

Akhir tahun dan perayaan tahun baru menjadi momentum penting bagi siapa pun yang ingin berlibur. Melepaskan penat akan rutinitas yang kita lakukan selama satu tahun ke belakang. Tidak terbatas apakah berlibur bersama keluarga, pasangan kita, teman-teman kita atau dengan orang asing yang Anda kenal lewat paket wisata traveling yang sama.

Gadget+ Magazine
Samsung Galaxy Tab S Review

Bayangkan sehelai kain sutera disulap menjadi alat canggih yang tidak hanya fashionable, tetapi juga fungsional. Itulah kesan pertama kami ketika menggenggam Samsung Galaxy Tab S.

Gadget+ Magazine
The HAVEN Bali Seminyak

Sebagai pulau para dewa, tidak lengkap rasanya jika kita tidak dimanjakan oleh fasilitas setingkat nirwana ketika berkunjung ke Bali.

The First 5 Years of My Career: 5 Things I've Learned

'Where do you see yourself in 5 years?' This is perhaps your most remarkable question you've ever heard in your life. You go to an interview, your very first job interview, after you successfully finished your torturing final semester in college. You are happy, yet you are nervous about the next chapter in your life.

The Office Bully

Bullies are like disease. They can attack any parts of your body. Any parts of your life. And bullying is everywhere: at school, Internet, home, and (not so surprising) at workplace. Bullying that exist in the workplace can affect us greater.

How to Treat LinkedIn Like We Supposedly Treat LinkedIn

How to Treat LinkedIn Like We Supposedly Treat LinkedIn A few days ago, I endured unwanted user experiences when I was swimming into the depth of LinkedIn. I saw that some of us have been treating LinkedIn mistakenly. At least, in my (humble) opinion.

We Don't Talk Anymore: How Technology Changed the Way We Communicate

Actual communication has been declining these years. Technology is the one to blame. We've been witnessing, for some people, determining, an enormous growth of technology. In order to make everything better, technology has entered so many aspects of human's life. We can't deny that technology has affected human race in a number of ways.

My Journey to The Suicide Project

By coincidence, I just made a not-so-short journey to The Suicide Project. It was a late afternoon when I put my fingers on a mouse and I browsed Medium to find a good article to read. That was the first time I found out about the site.

The Paradox of Apple and Samsung Measured the Effectiveness of Industry Rivalry

Apple and Samsung didn't come from the same embryo. Everyone knows. Samsung Electric Industries was established as an industry Samsung Group in 1969 in Suwon, South Korea. In the far away country, Apple was established on April 1, 1976, almost 39 years ago by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne to sell the Apple I, a personal computer kit.

In the Eyes of An Employee: What Makes A Good Manager

What does make a good manager? If you're a manager, you may ask this question to yourself in front of your bathroom mirror in the late morning. Do you find the answer? Having worked in three different companies, I realized something quite important. A manager is a role model.