Dale Borja

Web Designer

United States of America

I am currently attending Art Institute of California - Silicon Valley as a Web Design and Interactive Media student. Also, I currently work as the following:

Support Staff - HOPE Services
Web Designer - Letter-9
HTML and JavaScript Tutor - Art Institute of California -Silicon Valley

Introduction to Writing for Interactive Media

Dale Albert Borja Christina Laanen GWDA204 - Wring for Interactive Media January 21, 2015 Task 1 (Pathos/Logos) 18 years ago I was hit by Dengue fever. One night when my mom and I were talking about how I was doing at school, blood started dripping from my nose.

Introduction to Writing for Interactive Media

Maria, 23 year-old Argentinian, came in to the country last April of 2014. She already has a degree in graphic design but wanted to add web design in her set of skills.She is currently attending Art Institute of California - Silicon Valley as a Web Design student.