Candida DaFonseca

Content Editor / Copywriter

Writer | Blogger | Content Editor | Copy Editor

Just a small sample of my online writing.

Inside Job
How to keep your job applications organised - Inside Job

Looking for a new job can be a full-time gig in itself. In such a competitive market, you may be applying for lots of roles before the right one comes along. On top of updating your CV, scouring job sites and writing cover letters, keeping track of what you've applied for and which stage you're at can be dizzying.

Wondering what company size is best for you?

Do you prefer a small but perfectly formed start-up? Maybe medium-sized is just right - or do you think "the bigger, the better"? Find out what suits you best with this quiz!

On My Kitchen Counter
Recipe Blog

A recipe collection of the meals created on my kitchen counter.

Kaplan International
Career Guide E-Book Download

We have gathered the top tips for what you need to prepare for your first career, or a new career, including what you need to know to get a job in an English-speaking country.

Kaplan Int'l Blog
What do geek, nerd and dork mean?

Today, there are many words in English that used to have negative meanings, but have now been "reclaimed", or used with positive intentions.

Kaplan Int'l Blog
Benefits of Learning Languages Infographic

Speaking more than one language makes your brain more flexible and helps you process information faster. However, do you know some of the other benefits of learning languages?

Kaplan Int'l Blog
10 Australian Slang Words You Should Know

Australian slang is almost a language of its own. Aussies love to play with words, and to use shortened terms to explain things. Though some of them have roots in British English, Australian English has grown and changed into its own interesting English dialect.

offMetro NY
A Flea Market Grows in Brooklyn (Review, Fort Greene)

The words "flea market" usually call to mind visions of cheap socks, broken electronics, and yellowed pages of obscure fiction. This time, New York's newest (and biggest) open-air market, Brooklyn Flea, is filled with much more than boxes of old souvenirs brought down from the attic.

The Signal (TCNJ)
Everyone's talking about the Broadway show 'Talk Radio'

Sometimes it's easy to forget that Broadway shows are not all music, flashy sets and elaborate costumes. "Talk Radio" is one of those subtle, musical-number-free shows where the message sinks in after the final, silent scene plays out. Starring Liev Schreiber as a shock-jock in Cleveland, the play revolves around his final local broadcast before he goes national.