Quarterly Publication
I curate content, write articles, and design the quarterly newsletter for Department of Psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine.
Words have taken me places and given me opportunities I never imagined. And it all started with a 7th-grade journalism class.
I have experience writing all types of content including web copy, social media content, case studies, blogs, white papers, and more. I'm a strategic storyteller who loves sharing success stories of people and organizations.
I have broad communications experience in corporate, nonprofit, and freelance writing with national clips in Entrepreneur and United Airline's magazine.
I have an entrepreneurial spirit and started a hyperlocal site, Houston on the Cheap. I sold it in 2018 after publishing content for 9 years reaching 10+ million pageviews. My site was much more than a calendar -- but also a community. Readers shared how my site changed their life -- like the single mom who wrote how she wouldn't have had such an amazing summer with her kids if not for ideas from Houston on the Cheap.
I curate content, write articles, and design the quarterly newsletter for Department of Psychiatry at Baylor College of Medicine.
I love writing client success stories about their journey to recovery with the help of our nonprofit services. Storytelling provides hope to those who struggle.
I designed the publication and created all the graphics. Learn how we continued to impact the Houston community, even as the pandemic created challenges for operation.
I was a contributing editor for Hospitality Technology magazine.
I designed the publication and created the graphics: highlights of outcomes, growth, new partnerships, and client success stories at Houston Recovery Center.
I started Houston on the Cheap in 2009 as a project in a blog class. It took off quickly and became a popular hyperlocal destination for free and cheap fun in Houston. Readers shared how it made a difference in their family life. I sold the site in 2018 to a local publishing team.
Blog post I wrote at Houston Recovery Center about homeless in my neighborhood.
It's a contrast of increased drinking during COVID-19 but also the rise of non-alcoholic beverages. Chris Marshall, owner of a sober bar in Austin, shares his thoughts -- and whether Houston can support a sober bar.
It all started with a case manager who shared Houston on the Cheap. And a woman living in a shelter with an amazing faith... I call it the $5 Mattress Miracle, and she would, too.
Freelance article I pitched and wrote for Business 2.0. With a little help from the web, King Arthur has built a premium brand out of one of the world's most mundane commodities.
I wrote the Facebook post and created the graphic for our opioid grant social media campaign.
Freelance article I pitched and wrote for CMO Magazine around the Customer Evangelist position at Bike Friday.
The world can never have too much kindness. This blog post was published in February 2020 for Random Acts of Kindness week.
I created a variety of videos around recovery and substance use disorder. This one was for the Opioid campaign as part of the Texas Targeted Opioid Response (TTOR) grant to provide free Narcan and training.
I wrote and designed the monthly newsletter at nonprofit Houston Recovery Center.
I wrote key takeaways from research studies at APQC in financial management and supply chain management.