Political Staff Writer at The Bubble.
Oxford comma moderate and grammar pacifist.
Contact: [email protected]
In case you haven't noticed, the entire country is miserable this morning after losing the Copa América final last night. Seriously. The constant drizzle is not a coincidence. Let's get down to a Weekend Roundup that has other news in it so you can distract your depressed coworkers with other stories.
In the days leading up to US President Barack Obama's visit to Argentina, many of our conversations have revolved around US-Argentine relations - the good, the bad, the ugly and the just plain wrong. In the latter category, US media representations of Argentina reign supreme, from portrayals of drug dealers and Nazis to hip-swinging Enrique Iglesias types.
Yesterday, the judicial system convicted nine people regarding the investigation into what is known as the 2001 repression, the brutal "containment" of protesters between the 19th and 20th of December of that year which resulted in five murders, two attempted murders and hundreds of injured in the City of Buenos Aires alone.
President Mauricio Macri took the stage this morning to announce the much-anticipated "mega project," which consists of a bucket load of proposals the government has sent to Congress. These bills range from anything regarding fiscal transparency and retirees to small businesses (PYMEs) and federal co-participation.
Obama is coming! Obama is coming! Yes, that's all we're talking about because he's the first US President to make a visit to the country in 19 years (not counting George W. Bush's presence at the 2005 Summit of the Americas in Mar del Plata, which wasn't technically a State visit).
On Tuesday evening, businessman Lázaro Báez was arrested before he was meant to testify in court yesterday regarding one of the biggest cases money laundering in Argentine history, the "K Money Trail," so-called because of the implicated parties' alleged ties to former Presidents Néstor and Cristina Kirchner.
LAST WEEK, the reputation of Buenos Aires City as a hub of non-stop clubbing and nightlife was endangered on Friday, when City Judge Roberto Gallardo ruled that all commercial activity regarding live or recorded music or dancing would be banned until the City Mayor, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta, implemented adequate health and safety regulations, particularly regarding drugs.
El Brexit demostró que la democracia británica tiene fallas, como cualquier régimen de este tipo, pero el voto fue limpio y con respuesta clara
Entre las noticias sobre la FIFA que resonaban en todos los medios, se destacó el título de Crónica TV mientras cubría en vivo las elecciones de dicha institución: "el día de los ñoquis". Fue una mezcla feliz de sátira y argentinidad frente a un escándalo internacional de proporciones inéditas.
En el marco del Foro de Inversiones y Negocios, el embajador norteamericano Noah Mamet anunció a Infobae que empresas argentinas y norteamericanas dispondrán de créditos a través del Eximbank. Elogió la "confianza" que genera al presidente Macri y describió a su gabinete como "gente muy talentosa e inteligente"