
The mind-controlled car: the new face of driving?

It might sound too good to be true, but Chinese researchers from the Nankai University of Tianjin have invented a mind-controlled car. The past few years have truly been revolutionary for the field of brain-reading and brain-stimulating gadgets. From headsets that pick up brain activity during meditation, to those that stimulate the brain to induce...
Can Deep Brain Stimulation enhance memory?

Like so many other things in the realm of brain technology, Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) sounds like a procedure straight out of a sci-fi movie. But just like most of these technologies, DBS is as real as it gets. The idea is rather simple: insert electrodes into parts of a person's brain, and deliver small...
Insomnia: how it messes with your emotions

Insomnia is just one out of many debilitating disorders out there. But it's also one of the most underrated. For one thing, insomnia has serious long-term detrimental effects on physical and mental health. For another, it can act as a marker of serious mental disorders like schizophrenia.
Study finds varying effects of different types of meditation

There's a lot of things we can question when it comes to meditation. For example, we can seriously doubt any claim about meditation solving all of our problems, curing mental disorders, or being a means of achieving world peace. But there's a minimal idea we surely can't doubt-that meditation is relaxing.
Happiness: can it be found in the brain?

I hate to make sweeping generalizations, but I think it can safely be said that happiness is the most important-or the most sought-after-experience or state for us humans. In some ways, that's a bit strange, because it's difficult to say what happiness really is, and since ancient times, philosophers have argued over its definition.
HTC Vive: Revolutionizing Virtual Reality

What do climbing Mount Everest and testing the comfort of a car have in common? Nothing, you might say. But you're wrong. What they have in common is that they can soon be done from the safety and comfort of your own home. The Virtual Reality (VR) business has been picking up serious pace the...
Can Transcendental Meditation Lower Blood Pressure?

Transcendental Meditation (TM) is one of the most commonly practiced meditation techniques. The process is rather simple: sit with your eyes closed for 15-20 minutes, twice a day. During TM, ordinary thought processes slow down, and "a distinctive wakeful hypometabolic state characterized by neural coherence and physiological rest is achieved."
How does Mindfulness Reduce Stress? A Look at the Brain

We often hear about how mindfulness meditation reduces stress, or, in other words, makes us more stress-resilient. And we also often hear about how this process supposedly takes place. One explanation is that meditation helps us focus on the present moment and not be taken away by anxiety-inducing thoughts.
How prosocial behavior can protect against stress

Stress is a killer. If you think that's just a metaphor, you're wrong. Stress is related to a number of mental health conditions, especially anxiety and depression. But what's more surprising is that stress leads to negative effects on the body itself-for example, by weakening the immune system or leading to heart disease.