Timothy Craig Fant

World Traveler & Nature Enthusiast

United States

Timothy Craig Fant is an entrepreneur and philanthropist fueled by travel! On a mission to see the world, Fant aspires to visit every country around the globe. Along the way, he intends on supporting as many charities and nonprofit initiatives as he can!

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Timothy Craig Fant

Entrepreneur, Timothy Craig Fant is a world traveler and nonprofit initiative supporter. In his free time, he enjoys attending the Kentucky Derby with his family and experiencing the great outdoors. Energized by his international travels, Fant has already visited France, England, Germany, Norway, Greece, Ireland and Italy.


Timothy Craig Fant Timothy Craig Fant is a philanthropist and world traveler. He enjoys the Kentucky Derby and hosting events to benefit the Make a Wish Foundation. Timothy Craig Fant. Timothy Craig Fant. Fueled by his adventurous nature, Fant is on a mission to see the world!


Timothy Craig Fant Timothy Craig Fant is a philanthropist and world traveler. He enjoys the Kentucky Derby and hosting events to benefit the Make a Wish Foundation. Timothy Craig Fant. Timothy Craig Fant. Fueled by his adventurous nature, Fant is on a mission to see the world!

Timothy Craig Fant

Fueled by his adventurous nature, Fant is on a mission to see the world! More than just the average tourist, this philanthropic entrepreneur is hoping to make his mark throughout his travels. Rather than typical souvenirs, he's bringing tokens of culture back home to his office in hopes of crafting a unique set of approaches in business and philanthropy.

Timothy Craig Fant | Scoop.it

Timothy Craig Fant's Avatar Timothy Craig Fant is a philanthropist with a deep passion for culture and world travel. He hopes to tie these three interests together in a future project! Visit https://about.me/timothycraigfant to learn more. Timothy Craig Fant's Community