Theodora MacLeod

Journalist, MacEwan University


Having been a writer my entire life, the decision to pursue journalism was an easy one. After graduating with my Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in Sociology in 2017, I set my sights on completing a Bachelor of Communications in Journalism, and haven't looked back.

I am a journalist who loves working with words to convey ideas and explore the world around me. I am so excited to be learning and practising the art of writing informative and compelling articles while working on editing my fiction novels in my spare time. Writing truly is my passion and I welcome every opportunity I have to strengthen my craft. I intend to explore as many areas of writing and journalism as I can to diversify my portfolio and find the area where I am best suited; for me, the most important part of being a writer is taking information and experiences and sculpting them into a piece of work that inspires emotion in readers while providing new and informative perspectives.


Journalism Articles
They Were Loved: Honouring Canada's COVID-19 victims -

The magnitude of COVID-19's impact on Canadians' lives is difficult to fathom. Canada has already lost more than 20,000 people to the pandemic, with the number ticking steadily upwards; each of those losses has cascaded through families and communities, leaving many more thousands bereaved.

Unpublished Journalism Article
Buying Feminism

Is women’s empowerment the latest trend?

Unpublished Journalism Article
Let's Get Gritty

The Philadelphia Flyers' mascot became a meme and an internet sensation.


Unpublished Communications Research Project
Big Screen Birth

How depictions of hospitalized and medicalized childbirth impact women in the Western World