Precious Uzoma-Nwosu

Freelance writer and journalist


Hello! Welcome to my page. My name is Precious, a freelance culture writer and journalist who is keen on writing thought-provoking and intriguing articles on topics of significance. I rant a lot through my writing, and professionally, of course.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in the Sex Toy Industry -

Written by Precious Nwosu Pleasure is like a steaming pot of soup that envelops you, makes you salivate and stirs a kind of want in your stomach with its aroma. When it is served, it is left for you to enjoy with the right kind of swallow.

Resonate - Homegrown: Yam's Significance in Nigeria

"Yam, the king of crops, was a very exacting king. For three or four moons it demanded hard work and constant attention from cock-crow till the chickens went back to roost, the young tendrils were protected from earth-heat with rings of sisal leaves." - excerpt from 'Things Fall Apart', by Chinua Achebe, Igbo writer from Nigeria.

African Women NGOs Giving Hope to Survivors of Sexual Violence

By Precious Nwosu The lady stared hard at the police station's entrance, contemplating if she should go in. It took the effort to get there, and honestly, she wasn't sure it was worth it-what if they didn't believe her, asked her for evidence that she didn't have, and then called her a liar?

Involving My Mother in My Relationship and Sex Life | Adventures From

"Yes, I frequently talk to my mother about my relationships and my sex life." I declared to the bewilderment of my friends with which I was in discussion. The petite lady amongst us asked incredulously "Are you serious?", with utter shock written all over her face.

Living with PCOS

Though the condition affects 4 to 20 per cent of women of reproductive age worldwide, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is not given the attention it requires. Elohor shares her experience living with PCOS with Document Women.

The Culture Custodian (Est. 2014.)
Meet The Gender Advocate Fighting To End Stereotypes

2018 saw the debut of American musical producer Metro Boomin, whose single Not All Heroes Wear Capes featured well-known musicians. What and who he had in mind when he sang this song, only he knows but Roseline Adebimpe Adewuyi, a feminist, gender advocator, and social educator, fits the description perfectly.

Embracing All My Vulnerabilities | Adventures From the Bedrooms

Written by Precious Nwosu I loved you. Wait....did I just say it out loud in a public place where I shouldn't be expressing my emotions? This shouldn't come as a surprise to you though. I mean, I was the first person to profess love. So, I really can't help myself; I'm a softie.

The Culture Custodian (Est. 2014.)
7 Female Writers Fighting Against Patriarchy Across Africa With Their Words

Women novelists and authors also utilize their characters, storylines, and words to rebel against gender inequity, thwart patriarchal society, and raise awareness of women's issues. These women, in doing this, also dispelled the stereotype of men as being the only literature writers in their respective countries and paved the way for other younger female writers to follow in their footsteps.