Sarah Miles

Freelance Marketing Content Writer

United Kingdom

I am a freelance marketing content writer, working with clients across many industries to help them communicate better, enhance user experience, and capture search traffic. I have a particular passion for blogging. My portfolio demonstrates the diversity of the topics I have written for here: everything from international trade, energy efficiency, and astrology to pest control, mental health, and body positivity. I pride myself on being able to research new subjects, distill the salient points, and communicate that information in an accessible way.

My writing encompasses a variety of formats. You can filter these in my portfolio here by searching for 'email', 'blog', 'web page', 'editorial', or 'literature copy'. If there's something specific that you are interested in, in terms of type of content or topic area, please contact me and I can show you everything that's relevant.

Based in Wakefield, West Yorkshire, I am available for all types of marketing content projects as well as general marketing services.

Kwik-Klik - Website Page Copy
Healthcare Graphics - Kwik-Klik [Web Page]

The Kwik-Klik Graphics team has expert knowledge of Healthcare Graphics and work with NHS hospitals and care home to deliver quality graphics

Kwik-Klik - Website Page Copy
Retail Graphics - Kwik-Klik [Web Page]

The Kwik-Klik Graphics team provide a full range of Retail Graphics including window graphics, wall vinyls, external graphics and solar film

Enfuse Plumbing & Building Services Ltd - Client Email Newsletter
Landlord Gas Safety Certificates are a legal requirement. Is yours due? [Email]

As a landlord, you have a duty of care to your tenants and an important part of that is gas safety. In order to ensure that gas appliances are safe, you must have a valid Landlord's Gas Safety Certificate in place. This is law and failure to do can result in a fine (for which there is no limit) or even a prison sentence.

Maple Project Solutions Ltd - Client Email Newsletter
ESOS 3: have you appointed your Lead Assessor? [Email]

As a business that was ESOS 2 compliant, you will be aware that ESOS 3 submission commences from December 2022 and, therefore, it is now time to organise your ESOS 3 Lead Assessor. Here are three reasons why you should appoint your ESOS Lead Assessor now.

Enfuse Plumbing & Building Services Ltd - Client Email Newsletter
Can you afford for your properties to look shabby? Increase rental attractiveness by refurbishing...

Even in a buoyant rental sector, providing well maintained homes for your tenants is not only the right thing to do but will increase demand and rental value for your properties. It is more cost effective to conduct periodic refurbishment and maintenance than it is to allow it to fall into disrepair. It’s also less disruptive than having to take it off the market for long periods.

Calder Security Ltd - Website Page Copy
Business Burglar Alarm Services [Web Page]

Business burglar alarm services across Wakefield, Leeds, Huddersfield, Bradford, York, Sheffield and Barnsley. Servicing all of Yorkshire. - Client Email Newsletter
Free and low-cost ways to conserve heat this winter [Email]

Nobody wants to pay more than they need to on their energy bills but how can you save money without compromising on how warm your home is? Here are some free and low-cost ways to conserve heat. Better for bills and better for the environment.

Cosy Corner Fragrances Email Newsletter
Are you 'Chasing Rainbows' or 'Turning Red'?! [Email]

Oh my goodness, how did April come around so fast?! Spring is here (officially speaking, even if nobody told the weather yet!) and Easter is almost upon us. We have some gorgeously cute Easter gifts, the new Chasing Rainbow Wax Collection, limited edition Scentsy Fresh fabric sprays, and an empowering new Disney character as well this month.

Enfuse Plumbing & Building Services Ltd - Client Email Newsletter
Are you able to make the most of your outdoor space? [Email]

During the spring and summer, a property’s outdoor space is essentially an extra room and a huge added bonus for anyone living there. If your garden is unusable, or just unappealing, it's not only a waste of valuable space, if your property is rented out you are not adding as much value to it as you could.

Enfuse Plumbing & Building Services Ltd - Client Email Newsletter
Can you deduct from a bond without a pre-tenancy inventory? [Email]

Possibly, but without evidence of the previous good condition of the property you leave yourself vulnerable to counter-claims. A detailed inventory is the only way to eradicate ambiguity and arm yourself with indisputable evidence. Plus, it demonstrates to tenants that you take the good care of your property seriously from day one.

Smiles Marketing - Own Blog
How to repurpose your content [Blog]

There is more to content strategy than writing blog posts, posting them on your site, and then sharing them on social media. Given that you have taken time and effort to create something, make it work harder by repurposing it on different media and in different formats to really maximise its value. Here are some ways you can use your content assets to really make them work hard for you.

Cosy Corner Fragrances Email Newsletter
The scent of autumn is in the air! (Well, it is at Scentsy!) [Email]

Autumn is truly my favourite season. The weather, the colours, the comfort food, and the cosy nights etc. It's also amazing for fragrance and our new autumn products totally make the most of them. Autumn fruits, spices, even candy, all feature in our Autumn Collection.

Pretty Pooch
Creating an outdoor haven for your pup [Blog]

Dogs love few things more than being outside and doing the things that dogs do best. This doesn't have to be limited to their walks as there are lots of ways you can use your garden that offer fun, enrichment, physical challenge, and soothing calm. Here are 5 ideas that you can implement in your garden to make it the perfect outdoor space for your dog.

Smiles Marketing - Own Blog
What has blogging ever done for us? [Blog]

What has blogging ever done for us? Apart from capturing search traffic, establishing authority, improving rankings, creating leads...? 7 reasons why you really should be blogging for your business. - Client Email Newsletter
Could flu or hangover symptoms actually be carbon monoxide poisoning? [Email]

Many may mistake CO poisoning symptoms for flu. New research by Gas Safe Register suggests that fewer than 18% of adults would consider that they may be suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning and instead put feeling unwell down to a cold, the flu or even a hangover. Here's how to recognise the signs of something much more serious.

Kwik-Klik - Client Blog
Healthcare graphics: how graphics in health settings can improve the environment [Blog]

'Pictures on walls' may not be the first thing you think of when considering what strategies you can use to improve healthcare environments for patients, visitors, and staff. However, using graphic imagery, in a wide range of formats, has a proven positive impact in these types of spaces (there is much more to it than pictures on walls!) .

Anchored Schools - Client Web Page Content
Anchored Awards: a quality mark for educational settings [Web Page]

Anchored Awards is a quality mark for educational settings excelling in the areas of safeguarding, behaviour, attendance, or PSHE. Achieving one is not easy - only 5% of settings we attend are awarded one. This quality mark, therefore, recognises schools doing amazing things. This prestigious quality mark demonstrates to all stakeholders that they are leaders in these areas and their dedication to their students.

Hospitality Rewards - Client Blog
Hospitality businesses need to find alternative ways to incentivise staff [Blog]

Business | Hospitality | Recruitment | Issues such as Covid-19, Brexit, and the huge spike in inflation have negatively impacted businesses in all sectors but few more than hospitality. For restaurants, hotels, and bars, it's not just the cost of employment that is threatening these businesses; it's the difficulty of recruiting and then retaining experienced people. So, what can they do?

Mylek - Client Blog
Why you should add a splash of colour to your interior [Blog]

Did you know that adding colour to your home can not only brighten it up and make it look appealing but can aid well-being, lift your mood, make rooms appear bigger, smaller, or a different shape, and can even improve motivation or give you more energy?

Smiles Marketing - Own Blog
10 ways to make your blogs better [Blog]

Blogging | Copy Writing | Whatever business you are blogging about, there are 10 universal tips that will make your blogs better.

Maple Project Solutions - Client Website Content
Maple Project Solutions [Web Page]

At Maple Project Solutions Ltd we offer a complete energy project management and compliance service, encompassing all aspects of energy efficiency. We create innovative asset and technology driven solutions to use energy more efficiently and deliver multiple advantages to organisations of all sizes.

Ada Meher - Client Blog
Overlooked: Ada Lovelace, The 'Enchantress of Numbers' [Blog]

History | Feminism | Science | A mathematician, considered to be the first computer programmer, and who mused upon the possibilities of artificial intelligence as early as the mid-1800s would be considered ground-breaking. That this pioneer was also a woman, who achieved all this by the age of 36 and whose scientific and mathematical education was designed primarily to prevent her from developing any moody and volatile artistic traits that may be in her genetic make-up, is really quite... - Client Media Article
Effective dementia signage to orientate and enable [Editorial]

Dementia | Care | Interior Design | Well thought out dementia signage has a key role in ensuring residents are safe, happy and reassured as well as in enabling them to have as much independence as possible. Wayfinding is one of the areas in which dementia environments struggle. Effective signage can enable care home residents to orient themselves in the space that they live in and locate key areas. Not being able to do this can be a source of anxiety so it is vital to get it right.

Hygiene Supplies Direct - Client Blog
The New Year's Resolution Guide [Blog]

If you make New Year resolutions every year and abandon them by February, keep setting the same ones and never quite achieve them, or have given up on even setting them due to fear of failure - you are not alone! Chances are, you are approaching them in the wrong way. Here are 6 tips to help you set goals better and stay on track to achieving them.

Hygiene Supplies Direct - Client Blog
Keeping Pets Calm During Bonfire Night [Blog]

The loud bangs and bright flashes of fireworks can be terrifying for pets, and many owners dread occasions like Bonfire Night or New Year's Eve when they are at their height. Here are 10 strategies to keep animals calm when the bangs are booming.

Hygiene Supplies Direct - Client Blog
Alternative Heating Solutions to Help Save Money [Blog]

We could all benefit from reducing the money we spend on heating but there are cleverer ways to do that than just turning down the thermostat. Here are some alternative ways to heat your home, and prevent the loss of heat, that can help save money while still staying warm.

Maple Project Solutions - Client Blog
ESOS or ISO 50001? [Blog]

Did you know that businesses with ISO 50001 are automatically ESOS compliant? A quality mark like ISO 50001 can offer businesses advantages over and above ESOS. So, which is the best route for your business?

3Style Kitchens - Client Blog
How to save energy in the kitchen [Blog]

Energy | Cost of Living Crisis | With the cost of energy rising rapidly, we all need to find ways to cut back on consumption. The kitchen tends to be a hub of appliances and devices so where better to start than there? Here are 10 ways you can reduce your energy use in the kitchen, without too much of a negative trade off in comfort or convenience.

Smiles Marketing - Own Blog
Are you providing answers to your potential customers' most pressing questions? [Blog]

Content Marketing | SEO | Answer Engine Optimisation is the new Search Engine Optimisation. In marketing one of the key things we’re told to think about is “where is my customers’ pain?”, followed by “and how do I make it better?”. That is a universal truth that is still as true today as it ever was but now content marketing has a pivotal role in harnessing this quest for solutions.

3Style Kitchens - Client Blog
Forget minimalist, how about a maximalist kitchen? [Blog]

Interior Design | Lifestyle | Where minimalism is all about paring back: clean lines, neutral colours, clear surfaces, controlled coordination, and no clutter, maximalism is the opposite. Vibrant colour, vivid pattern, contrast (possibly even clashing), and beautiful things everywhere. Minimalism is all about restraint while maximalism says you can have it all!

Hygiene Supplies Direct - Client Blog
What is the Energy Crisis and What Can I Do About It? [Blog]

Energy | Energy Consumption Reduction | Nobody could have failed to realise that there is a global energy crisis and that this is likely to affect everyone who pays an energy bill in the UK. In this article, we aim to explain what the energy crisis actually is, as well as how you can take back some control to help you manage your energy costs.

Hygiene Supplies Direct - Client Blog
National Pet Month: How to keep your dog healthy and happy [Blog]

Lifestyle | Animal Care | Let's face it, most of us dog owners are potty about our pets, and we want them to be happy and fulfilled, as well as well behaved. So, how can we keep them happy and stimulated without spoiling them?

Plumbcare - Client Blog
Clogged the drains with water beads? [Blog]

Lifestyle | Parenting | If you have young children you will no doubt be aware of the Orbeez phenomenon. They're great fun to play with in water troughs, in foot spas and even used decoratively in glass vases but can be a major problem if put down the sink or toilet in their original form. - Client Blog
How to prevent heat escaping from your home [Blog]

Energy | Energy Waste Reduction | Money Saving | Given we spend a reasonable chunk of our monthly income on heating our homes, it makes sense that we should do as much as we can to prevent that heat from escaping. We look at various ways to retain the heat in your home, ranging from large home improvement projects to simply changing your behaviours.

Xterminate -Client Blog
5 Things You Didn't Know About Wasps [Blog]

Pest Control | Wasps are nobody's favourite creature: they sting, they're persistent, and they're aggressive. There's nothing surer to ruin a good picnic and you really don't need a wasp nest in your home or garden. So, what is the point of them?

3Style Kitchens - Client Blog
How to plan your new kitchen using Pinterest [Blog]

Lifestyle | Interior Design | Social Media | A new kitchen is exciting but can be overwhelming too. Due to the investment, and to be sustainable, you need the kitchen you choose to last a really long time so design decisions that you make now, still need to appeal in 10 years or more.

Hygiene Supplies Direct - Client Blog
When to Go Stargazing [Blog]

Astrology | Lifestyle | There are a couple of aspects to getting the most out of stargazing. The first is getting to grips with your telescope; getting it set up right, using the right attachments, and generally just figuring out the technicality of the equipment. The second is choosing the best time to conduct your stargazing - when you have the best opportunities to see what the night sky has to offer.

Belle Lingerie - Client Blog
What is beach body ready anyway? [Blog]

Lifestyle | Fashion | Body Positivity | Retail | The phrase 'beach body ready' can be seen as controversial. Brands have seen their ads pulled for promoting an unhealthy body image and the term does seem to imply that it's all about looking skinny in your swimwear but what does 'beach body ready' really mean?

Perfume & Trumps - Personal Blog
Second Class Uprising [Blog]

Humour | Lifestyle | At the time of writing I am sat on a train to London where the big news is that carriage K is closed to public use. I know this because they have declared it several times, instructing passengers not to attempt to sit in there. They are so insistent it's piquing my interest.

Perfume & Trumps - Personal Blog
Hurray for Sports Day... [Blog]

Humour | Lifestyle | Parenting | … said no-one in our house ever. It's now the end of term and most schools will have put on the annual torture ritual of sports day at some point over the last week or two.

Perfume & Trumps - Personal Blog
Injury Envy [Blog]

Humour | Lifestyle | I see your ca-bath-trophe and I raise you a cow and a kayak. I am currently recovering from a dislocated shoulder injury. I would like to tell you that I sustained this injury while taking part in some kind of extreme sport such as white water rafting or bungie jumping.

Perfume & Trumps - Personal Blog
Positive Mental Aldi-tude [Blog]

Humour | Lifestyle | For many years I avoided going to supermarkets in actual person, favouring the virtual reality world of online shopping but something has come along that has made me u-turn on my very clear position. That temptress is Aldi.

Hygiene Supplies Direct - Client Blog
How dirty is your car? The grubbiest spots revealed [Blog]

Car Detailing | Motoring | Cleaning | If we're really honest, most would admit that our car interiors are probably dirtier than we actually acknowledge. The average person in the UK washes their car around 8 times a year but only valets their car interior 5 times. That might not be enough, even if you're quite tidy. All car interiors harbour dirt and bacteria that isn’t even visible to the human eye and if you have young children or pets that travel in the car, your eyes may water a little...

Xterminate - Client Blog
How to Beat Fleas and Ticks This Summer [Blog]

Animal Care | Lifestyle | Fleas and ticks have a number of things in common: they both live on animals, they both feed on blood, they can both irritate the skin from their bites, and they can both spread diseases. We tend to think of them as one and the same, often because single veterinary treatments, such as 'spot on' medication, usually cover them both.

Pretty Pooch - Client Blog
Top tips for keeping your pup cool and comfortable in summer [Blog]

Animal Care | Lifestyle | If you are feeling overwhelmed by the heat of summer, just imagine how hot your dog is, covered in fur. Overheating is a real risk when the weather is very warm but there are a number of things you can do to help your beloved pet keep cool: - Client Blog
Don't mistake carbon monoxide poisoning for covid-19 [Blog]

​Health | Gas Safety | Would you know the difference between covid symptoms and carbon monoxide poisoning? The two can present in a similar way but each needs a very different response. Here’s what to look out for.

Open Borders Direct
Costs to consider when setting pricing in international trade [Blog]

International Trade | Business | Setting a price for your goods to sell in international markets is of vital importance. Your price needs to be attractive and competitive for your buyers, but it also needs to cover all your costs and leave you with a sufficient profit margin to make international trade viable for your business.

Calder Security - Client Blog
Burglars Use Instagram To Target You [Blog]

Home Security | Lifestyle | In an era where social media has become ingrained in the way we live our lives and people crave so-called social validation, we're sharing so much detail that we're making burglars' jobs easier than ever.

New Vision - Client Blog
Making care homes future-proof for dementia [Blog]

Dementia | Care | Interior Design | The case for making all care home areas dementia friendly, not just the dementia units. Many care homes have a dementia unit and a non-dementia unit. The dementia unit will be equipped for the needs of service users with dementia but the non-dementia one usually won’t, because they don’t need it. Or do they?

Integrated Recruitment - Client Blog
Is using recruitment agencies a bad idea? [Blog]

Recruitment | Business | The use of recruitment agencies is common: small companies may feel they don’t have the expertise or time in-house and for larger businesses, outsourcing recruitment is often the best way to fill multiple roles. The biggest issue is the expense, costing 10%-25% of the first year’s salary. On this basis, for every 4 or 5 roles you appoint using an agency, you could have paid another person for a year with the fees spent. So, is using recruitment agencies a bad idea?

Open Borders Direct - Client Online Resource
Letters of credit: why and how to use them effectively [Blog]

International Trade | Business | Lack of confidence about getting paid in a timely way can be a barrier to international trade, especially for smaller businesses. Letters of credit (LoC) remove much of that risk because they offer certainty over payment, as long as certain pre-agreed conditions are met.

Calder Security - Client Blog
How To Get Rid Of Spider Webs On CCTV Cameras | Tips & Advice [Blog]

Home Security | CCTV | If you have a CCTV system, chances are you will be familiar with the issue of spiders spinning their webs across the lenses, thereby obscuring the picture. These pesky critters are often the bane of a security engineer's life as they can also be responsible for triggering burglar alarms.

Hygiene Supplies Direct - Client Blog
The Beginners Gardening Guide [Blog]

Lifestyle | Horticulture | Having an outdoor space can be a real joy in the spring and summer months when we can make use of it. It's really good for both mental and physical health to be outside and get fresh air and sunshine.

Hygiene Supplies Direct - Client Blog
The Benefits of Sugarcane and Bamboo Washroom Products [Blog]

Sustainability | Facilities Management | As we face a climate crisis, it's everyone's responsibility to make better environmental choices and in a washroom, the two greatest opportunities to be more sustainable are toilet rolls and hand towels. There has always been a trade-off in these consumables between environmental concerns and functionality. However, two new materials have emerged onto the market that tick both boxes. These materials are sugarcane and bamboo.

Hygiene Supplies Direct - Client Blog
Earth Day - Simple ways to reduce your energy consumption [Blog]

Energy | Sustainability | Lifestyle | Earth Day is an annual event that celebrates the achievements of the environmental movement and encourages people to think about taking action to create long term ecological sustainability. One of the key messages of Earth Day is that through mass participation, we can make a big difference just by making small changes in our everyday lives.

Calder Security - Client Blog
How To Look In When You're Out [Blog]

Home Security | Yale has just conducted a survey to find out people's best hacks for making burglars think they're home when they're actually away on holiday. It includes, as you might expect, measures like having lights on timers, asking neighbours to park on their drives and cancelling the newspapers but it seems that Brits are a bunch of lateral thinkers so there are a number of ideas on there that you may not have considered before.

Xterminate - Client Blog
Spider Myth Busting [Blog]

Pest Control | Science & Nature | Great natural pest controllers or terrifying creatures? Whether you love or hate spiders, you will know there are some common assumptions attached to them. However, as with all urban legends, there is a lot of misinformation about these creatures, and you may find that they’re not as scary as you believe them to be. We take a look here at the commonly held beliefs around spiders and ask whether they are true or just myths: - Client Blog
As gas prices increase, energy efficiency is more important than ever [Blog]

Energy Efficiency | Money Saving | Few homeowners can have failed to notice the media coverage about the soaring price of gas. It certainly looks like energy bills will increase for everyone, especially those whose suppliers go into administration as they are moved to new ones on higher tariffs. - Client Blog
"UK unlikely to meet climate target by 2050" - what can we do? [Blog]

Climate Change | Energy Efficiency | ​With a new report from the Environmental Audit Committee warning that the UK is unlikely to meet its net-zero emission target by 2050, and households accounting for 20% of carbon emissions, should we just wait for new technology or take positive action to reduce energy consumption?

Belle Lingerie - Client Blog
Big Thanks to Big Pants! [Blog]

Lifestyle | Fashion | Here is a trend that everyone can get on board with: big pants! Don't think of full briefs as the passion killers your granny might wear, this season's high waist knickers are as sexy as they are comfortable and practical.

Maple Project Solutions - Client Online Resource
Retail Energy Saving Checklist [Blog]

Energy Efficiency | Retail | Business | Energy represents one of the largest costs for retailers and with the recent price hikes, reducing energy usage could be the difference between staying profitable or not. Taking proactive steps to reduce energy consumption, should be a priority for retailers both in terms of saving money and becoming more sustainable.