Sherry Scott ~ Sherry The Mystical Goddess

Clairvoyant Psychic Reader & Freelance Artist

United States

Hello and thank you for taking a look at my profile!

I am a Clairvoyant Psychic Reader & Writer, Metaphysical Practitioner, Reiki Master Teacher, Artist, and a Proud German Shepherd Mom. 💜
Take a look around and if you are interested in my tone or what I have to offer, please contact me and I will respond ASAP!

I look forward to working with you soon!
Sherry The Mystical Goddess

Fight Depression Using the 432Hz Frequency

#article on Fighting Depression with Sound Therapy specifically #432Hz the #Miracle Tone or the Verdi's A #4biddenknowledge #article #smallbusiness #affirmations #b2b #meditation #healing #clairvoyant #smallbusiness

Welcome to Oroville, California!

Hello and welcome to Oroville California! Excitement, Leisure, and fun are to be had by you and your family in Oroville on your next visit!

How did the Salem Witch Trials start?

Sherry Scott's answer: In my opinion, The Salem Witch Trials Started like all atrocities start on this planet, Patriarchy. "Salem Village, where the witchcraft accusations began, was an agrarian, poorer counterpart to the neighboring Salem Town, which was populated by wealthy merchants. Accordin...

Is manifestation stronger when performed on the night of a full moon?

Sherry Scott's answer: No Having a Full Moon will not assist you in manifestation if you are a Novice and really do not know what you are doing and why. Magick, Manifestation, or any Spiritual work is only as good as your Mental Atmosphere or Equivalents. You are not going to accidentally create ...

Blog | Sherry The Mystical Goddess

Reading by Sherry The Mystical Goddess for the Week of 11-05-18 using the Lotus Free Tarot Readings Simplicity Readings. Wild Card of the...