It's all about what key is for what word, and what folks want to unlock - or don't know they can...
Part of a team for the Urban Cowgirl's seminar circuit of learning modules made to empower the independent seller.
The keys to a kingdom are forged through a mastery of words; the realm beyond is a formula of composition. I am in my idealistic sense, the title granted as an alumnus of an English university, a magister. It is the credentials denoting a scholar and scribe and inadvertently, an explorer in pursuit of all the keys to realms beyond.
Since my formative years I have been an avid reader with a balance of exploration into what I was reading and eventually, writing. Studying English in the country of its origin was a necessary part of my own Campbellian quest, along with knowing the language from non-native speaker perspectives from around the world.
In my global pursuits of tracing oral traditions into literary form I mastered a ring of kingdom keys. There is no longer a demographic of age, language, nationality, or cultural background that I have not or cannot successfully instruct. This is regardless of whether it is a language, an idea, thing, or even implementation and integration of varied processes - whether it in-person, on the web, or through printed material. Here among the links are shadows of the skills, abilities, and keys of a magister scribe...
Part of a team for the Urban Cowgirl's seminar circuit of learning modules made to empower the independent seller.
Content created when a Language, Learning and Development manager for American English to advance a voice-to-text system. Written as an introduction to quality control agents for the pattern recognition system. Training implemented consisted of online and on-site assignments throughout: Africa, Central & South America, Europe. The attached example is for an outdated system with an expired patent due to NDA’s on more recent works.
Content created when a Language, Learning and Development manager for American English to advance a global voice-to-text system. This example was written as a general guide for the quality control agent. Training implemented consisted of online and on-site assignments throughout: Africa, Central & South America, Europe. The attached manual example is for an outdated system with an expired patent due to NDA’s on more recent works.
Hired and managed a moderation team. Successful CRM integration, event/creative writing, extensive technical writing to reiterate functionalities. Utilize ERP software, analyze metrics, install social media protocols. Limited selection due to not having the rights to own or publish most of said material.
Due to already strained spatial restraints, my curriculum vitae cannot encompass all of my time as an educator, sometimes only teaching a night class or tutoring while fulfilling another role. This is a selection of material used, processes, and goals met when teaching and of course, learning along the way ~
Use of Markdown and CSS to conform to RPG style/branding.
Supplemental rules designed, field tested via the international Axis and Allies Guild, and written for a strategic WWII board game. Use of various Word templates, fonts, & imagery to mirror the existing style and branding, with formula for coding game pieces to corresponding attribute rules.