PR Secured
PR Secured
"We don't know why you're still living," the doctors said.
The secret to helping older Philadelphians is older Philadelphians, according to SOWN in Manayunk.
U.S. Air Force veteran Nathan Baynes started 2 Street Sammies seven years ago, a food truck that cooks up dishes for everyone, but gives out free meals to those serve this country.
The conference is in its 20th year and among the keynote speakers is Delaware County's own Tina Fey.
Formerly known as the Norris Square Community Alliance, the group will experiment with tools like guaranteed income to lift families out of poverty.
Measures for Justice staff member Precious Freeman on Talk of Alabama morning show about the debut of the documentary series, Let's Be Clear
Gabi Conecker, MPH is President & Co-Founder Decoding Developmental Epilepsies (formerly known as Wishes for Elliott) and home of International SCN8A Allianc
Jan Carabeo reports.
Unable to work because she has lupus and arthritis, Robin Gentry suffered silently in South Philadelphia, living on a Social Security disability check that never seemed to stretch 31 days. Gentry, 59, is separated and lives with two of her five adult children.
Till then, she had done everything right: waited until she was married to have her son, Robert; attended trade school and community college; worked a solid job as a surgical tech. But a childhood of abuse, of her now-dead mother's multiple men touching her, of frequent moves in and out of rundown apartments, caused Dobbs' brain to crack apart, she said.