Dr. Samuel Botros M.D.


United States

Dr. Samuel Botros, M.D. is a Board Certified OB GYN based in Bloomingdale, Illinois. He is most known for his research work in PTL & Gestational Trophoblastic Diseases.

Samuel Botros, M.D.
Stay Safe This Holiday; Avoid Gatherings

Dr. Samuel Botros urges his patients, family and friends to stay safe during the Thanksgiving holiday. Avoid gatherings with anyone outside of your household, to stop the spread of COVID-19. Experts are expecting COVID-19 infection rates to soar after this week, due to Thanksgiving related gatherings.

Samuel Botros, M.D.
The State of COVID-19 in Arizona

Arizona, once a hot spot for COVID-19, has seen an incredible decline in cases of the virus. No small feat, this sudden shift is thanks to the state's proactive efforts to keep cases low. Dr. Samuel Botros discusses what attributed to this massive accomplishment: The state of Arizona was on a fast track to placing...

Samuel Botros, M.D.
Dr. Samuel Botros M.D.'s Office Creates Hand Sanitizer Solution

COVID-19 (also known as 'coronavirus') has caused a shortage of hand sanitizer all over the United States. This shortage is directly affecting medical professionals and their patients. At his OB GYN practice, Dr. Samuel Botros M.D. and his staff are remedying the situation by making their own hand sanitizer in the office.

Samuel Botros, M.D.
Dr. Botros' Office Offers Gift Bags of Essential Items to Pregnant Patients

With lockdowns and store closings prevalent across the country due to COVID-19 (also known as 'coronavirus), obtaining groceries and essential items has become difficult. Hoping to assist their patients during this difficult time, Dr. Botros' office will be providing gift bags of essential items and groceries to their pregnant patients.

Certified Consumer Reviews
Dr. Samuel Botros M.D.

Since 1995, Samuel Botros has operated as a practicing physician. After launching his career in medicine as a General Practitioner at St. Mary Polyclinic in Cairo, Egypt, Dr. Botros relocated to Illinois, USA. Now decorated by a commendable coat of awards and honors, the physician has fine-tuned his expertise as an OB GYN.

Samuel Botros, M.D.

Are hypertension patients taking ACEIs/ARBs at increased risk of COVID-19 complications? A study published in JAMA Cardiology suggests that hypertension patients undergoing ACEIs/ARBs treatment are not at increased risk for negative COVID-19 outcomes. Dr. Samuel Botros M.D. discusses the recent study. Thanks to data analysis conducted by Juyi Li, MD of Tongji Medical College in...

Samuel Botros, M.D.
Blood Type May Determine COVID-19 Symptom Severity

According to a recent study conducted by European researchers, an individual's blood type may be linked to the severity of experienced COVID-19 symptoms. The study also suggests that there are a variety of genetic factors that might be at play. In Europe, a team of researchers analyzed the genes of over 4,000 individuals infected with...

Samuel Botros, M.D.
Eye Shields & Goggles vs. COVID-19

To wear or not to wear goggles: that is the question some are asking. At least, this has been on the minds of some Americans since Dr. Anthony Fauci claimed "... if you really want to be complete, you should probably use [goggles or an eye shield] if you can."

Dr. Samuel Botros M.D.

Samuel Botros launched his career in medicine in 1995 by attending AIN SHAMS University Medical School in Cairo, Egypt. Following the completion of his medical education, Dr. Botros practiced as a General Practitioner and Allied Health Instructor for a decade before taking on a four year residency at Mount Sinai Hospital in Illinois.