Selected Articles
Author of 'Soul Destruction: Unforgivable', a novel exposing the dark world and harsh reality of life as a drug addicted call girl. The main storyline is based loosely on events from my own life.
Also involved in journalism and broadcasting, primarily in the areas of sex workers' rights, anti-sexual exploitation and anti-human trafficking.
Email: [email protected]
Selected Articles
Those who supported the Stormont vote on Monday claim that criminalising sex buyers will reduce sex trafficking. But this did not happen in Sweden where a similar law was passed in 1999.
Alice in Wooferland is a retired racing Greyhound. Her career was cut short and like so many Greyhounds globally, she was discarded. But Alice was one of the fortunate ones. She was rescued, unlike many more that are killed.
This is a guest post by Ruth Jacobs, a writer, broadcaster and campaigner based in the UK who focuses on sex work. For more perspectives on the sex work industry, click here. Considering I used to sell sex, I am ashamed to admit that when I first came to advocacy, I was taken in by the ludicrous notion that prostitution should be viewed in absolute terms, at extremes.
In 2009, filmmaker PJ Starr received an email from a friend bringing news of the horrific and unnecessary death of Marcia Powell. Powell had been serving a 27-month sentence for solicitation of prostitution. While in Perryville Prison outside of Phoenix, corrections officers left her out in a metal cage for four hours in searing heat.
American filmmaker Josh Evans' new movie Death in the Desert is a classic. I was privileged to get an exclusive preview of this brand new film. The prolonged panoramic and panning landscape shots burn into your mind with the light and the dark and the shadows.
I was a high-school tennis player and planned to become the next Arthur Ashe. But once it was discovered that I could not read or write, my dream of becoming a sports star was over. I knew my tennis career was no longer a reality.
Most people are voiceless because no one is letting them talk or listening to them when they do. There is a lot to be said for quitting being the voice of the voiceless and letting people speak for themselves. But not by those seeking to abolish the sex trade.
Women in the sex trade who are injecting drug users are the worst hit by their sex purchase ban. No harm reduction (condoms, lubrication etc.) for sex workers or drug users (needle exchanges) is provided in Sweden as it is erroneously believed to encourage sex work and drug use...
"We've been told we have to pick sides. That, in and of itself, is very disturbing" - Meg Munoz, former sex worker, trafficking survivor, ally and rights advocate A division exists between the sex workers' rights and anti-sex trafficking movements.
The sex purchase ban does not work in Sweden. But even if it did work there, in a wealthy country with a small population and a small number of people in prostitution, it will not work here in the UK. There are 80,000 people in prostitution here, mostly in poverty and 70% single mothers.
This was not a scheme concerned with helping a group of vulnerable women. It was a scheme concerned with gentrification. The award Safe Exit received from Police and Crime Commissioner, Ann Barnes, was for 'cleaning up the streets' and not for any help given to women leaving the sex trade.
Ruth Jacobs - WNN Features (WNN) London, UK, WESTERN EUROPE: When Ruth Jacobs had a chance to sit and interview Ms. Jes Richardson, a former sex worker, sex-trafficking survivor and sex worker rights activist, what Jacobs came away with was a unique unforgettable inside look at an industry where the definition of 'exploitation' needs to be carefully considered and defined, especially by those abolitionists working to stop human trafficking worldwide.
Ruth Jacobs - WNN FEATURES (WNN) London, England, UNITED KINGDOM, WESTERN EUROPE: A recent interview by women's advocate and stop-human-trafficking activist Ruth Jacobs with author Trista Hendren brings a controversial subject to the public. Cyber-harassment is a growing phenomenon online and one that numerous women, teenagers and children face daily.
Most sex workers find it difficult to report rape or violence because of the stigma associated with prostitution. Ruth Jacobs argues for a model that treats crimes against sex workers as hate crimes, a model that has been successful in increasing reporting of crimes and convictions in Merseyside
When prostitutes are made to disappear, most of society does not care, and most of the cases remain unsolved.
Television and Video
Books and Short Stories
In the spring of 1997, Shelley Hansard, a call girl who tries to live by the Golden Rule, finds herself in a suite at The Lanesborough Hotel with a dead client. Her fear of becoming a murder suspect pushes her deeper into addiction.
Max's criminal career has been going downhill since it began when he was sixteen on an armed robbery job with his father. Now in his mid-forties, he's spent more time in jail than on criminal endeavours and he's back inside again. It wasn't another getaway driver driving away prematurely that's landed him in jail this time though.
'In Her Own Words... Interview with a London Call Girl' is a short charity publication from which all royalties are donated to Beyond the Streets, a UK charity working to end sexual exploitation. Registered charity number: 1099006.
I blot my red lipstick on a tissue then bundle the rest of my make up on the sloping shelf in the bathroom cabinet. I don't have a proper weapon. Bloody wanker, Jade's father, went and hid the only gun we had.