Magazine articles
Magazine articles
Naturally shy and uncomfortable at social gatherings, 37 year old stay-at-home mum Norlin Mustapha’s life changed when her younger sister introduced her to Facebook. She started to have meaningful conversations with people she had never met. People who, if she had the opportunity to meet in real life, she knows she would not have had the courage to introduce herself to until she had had a few drinks, if at all. (Download to read full article.)
The Australian arts scene is changing. Arts funding is hard to get. Applications for government funding are extremely competitive, and the old model of the rich keeping starving artists fed by commissioning their art has all but died out completely. Crowdfunding is the silver lining – artists can ask their family, friends and peers to invest money in their project.
Who'd have thought it possible for a review of a concert to not include a single reference to music? The Daily Mail managed to do just this in their review of Amanda Palmer's performance at the Glastonbury festival, focusing instead on her escapee nipple and wardrobe choices.
News articles
An employee who failed to obtain his employer’s consent before working as an Uber driver has had his unfair dismissal claim dismissed after he was terminated for failing to obtain his employer’s consent. (See link to read full article.)
A pregnant manager advised to 'finish up' by her employer has been awarded approximately $6,100 in compensation. The manager, who had been with the business for just over 12 months, was 18 weeks pregnant when she collapsed at work and was admitted to hospital. (See link to read full article.)
Last month a majority full bench ruled that 'regular and systematic' casual employees who convert to permanent employment will have their period of casual service count towards the calculation of 'continuous service' for notice of termination and redundancy entitlements. (See link to read full article.)
An employee working for a pathology practice who refused to participate in a drug test administered by her manager has been awarded $27,900 in compensation for her unfair dismissal. The employee's human resource officer received an 'anonymous tipoff' that two employees of the practice were under the influence of drugs and holding property belonging to the pathology practice in their home. (See link to read full article.)
Podcast shownotes and production
Today’s episode is all about how you can write an opinion post to draw people in to engage with you and your blog. Your opinion is something your readers actually want to know and it has the potential to set your blog apart from the pack...
Today’s episode is all about how you can leave comments on other blogs to build relationships and grow your blog’s audience.
Today’s episode is about how to ask your readers to go beyond just reading your blog and to DO something. Readers are often ready and willing, if only you asked.
Linkedin Articles
Growing your audience can be one of the most challenging things for artists. Here are four creative ways to do it without feeling like an arrogant idiot.
It may not seem it on the face of it, but how you feel about yourself makes a big impact on whether your career or business will be a success. I love this Valentine's Day message, borrowed from musician Sam Buckingham: Be your own Valentine. Actually, screw Valentine's Day, just love yourself every day.
March the 8th is International Women's Day, a day to celebrate and highlight the valuable contributions women make to our world. There are many incredibly talented female artists who stop creating because their work doesn't get the celebration it deserves and they don't get the support they need.
Blog posts
Australia has an incredibly strong anti-bragging culture. It’s not cool to talk about how good you are, how good your work is, be seen to care strongly about anything, or to accept praise. Many artists create great work but feel they have to be apologetic when they perform or present it. It means most artists are incredibly uncomfortable with promoting their work or talking about it on social media.
When it came time to click “launch” on my crowdfunding campaign for my new record, I put it off. I was scared. Scared of asking. Scared of failing (does anyone out there really want to hear more music from me? Perhaps the fans who already write to me are just being polite?). Scared of succeeding and perhaps ending up with a bigger work-load than I could manage.
Suddenly, there seem to be people everywhere crowd-funding. I’ve just become one of those people. But we’re all still learning about it. I’m half-way through a 30 day crowd-funding campaign for my new record, and even though they’ve helped multitudes of people raise over $10 million in crowd-funding, even the directors of Pozible, an Australian crowd-funding platform, can’t be sure whether my campaign will succeed.
I am freaking out. I’m 20 days into my 30 day crowd-funding campaign for my new record. It’s sitting at 30%, and pledges seem to have slowed to a drip. I’ve been warned it would be like this, I’ve watched Packwood manage to successfully raise the last $3,000 in the last few days of his crowd-funding campaign to reach his target (plus an extra $2,000 on top), but I’m freaking out anyway. I’m a perfectionist and a control-freak, I’m doing everything I can, and it still doesn’t feel like enough.
As I’m writing this, my new record project is 67% funded, with 62 hours left to go. If I fail to get it to 100% in time, I’ll get nothing. How am I doing? Exhausted. Optimistic, but a bit anxious. It feels very pushy and demanding to be spending all of my time (yes, all of it – yesterday I worked a 17 hour day) asking people for things.
We did it! We hit the crowdfunding target! With only about 14 hours left until the deadine! People keep telling me I must feel wonderful. I do! But I’m also more tired than I think I’ve ever been in my entire life.
If you find it hard to make decisions, Dench is not the place for you. A bakery and café, the freshly baked chocolate croissants, cakes, tarts, brioche and breads wink at you from the cabinet, whilst delights like brioche-stuffed with scrambled eggs, Swiss cheese, bacon and spinach pirouette past your peripheral vision as they’re delivered from the kitchen.