Rochella Providence

Copywriter | Marketer

United States

Here's some of my work. Have at it.

If I seem like a good fit for your mission, don't hesitate to reach out.

Email: [email protected]

Can't wait to get to know you!



Blogs + Features

Passion Pieces

The Wisdom to Know The Difference

Dear God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change Courage to change the things I can And the wisdom to know the difference. Throughout my childhood, this serenity prayer was one of many prayers that we recited as a part of our structured spiritual development.

Halfway Through 2022

My last post was about how meaningful the serenity prayer is to me. I was glad that I took the time to reflect on the values of acceptance, courage, and wisdom in dealing with and discerning circumstances beyond our control.

From My Time at the Academy