Robert Keal

Content Specialist

United Kingdom

My background includes a mix of freelance and agency experience, as well as writing and subediting for a leading, nationally recognised homes publication.

Compare pet insurance | Uswitch

Looking to compare pet insurance? Use our comparison tool to find the right deal for your companion needs as well as your own. Discover personalised quotes and save money with Uswitch.

Is pet insurance worth it?

No matter how well you care for your pet, you still need to protect yourself against unexpected costs like vet bills. Pet insurance can help you out.


Whether you’re taking out your very first contract or upgrading your handset, mobile phone deals can be tricky. From debates around Android vs iOS Android vs iOS to making sure you’ve got enough data to meet your everyday needs, there’s plenty to consider when comparing mobile phone deals. With the latest smartphone launches never far away, there’s always stiff competition among manufacturers and networks to offer customers great value terms. Compare mobile phone deals with us to see...


According to Ofcom’s Connected Nations spring update, the rollout of full-fibre broadband means that almost half of all UK households now have access to faster, more reliable internet. But how do you know which broadband deal is right for you? Broadband isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, and different properties need different things to ensure the internet runs smoothly. Compare broadband deals in your area with Go.Compare.

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Best coding apps for kids

In recent years, coding has become one of the most important skills a child can learn! Nowadays, children as young as five are learning how to code in school. So, what can you do as a parent to help your child succeed in this new area of their education? Well, coding apps are a great way to get them started. In this article, we look at some of the best coding apps for kids to spark their imaginations and foster a lifelong interest in computer programming.

10 relaxing sounds to calm you down

We often feel relaxed while listening to things, but what sounds relax us the most? Discover 10 relaxing sounds to calm you down with Boots Hearingcare.