Weill Cornell Medicine Blog Articles
With more than 25 years' experience as a writer and editor for academic, science-based, health-care and non-profit organizations, I specialize in translating complex research issues into lively, readable prose for lay audiences. I also love writing profiles and human-interest stories across a variety of fields and settings. My clients and employers have included Weill Cornell Medicine, the New York Academy of Sciences, NYU Medical Center, the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation and Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans, among others. My work has appeared in The Scientist, the Los Angeles Times, and on numerous health and education websites. I also produce a Substack newsletter about ageing, titled "What's Age Got to Do With It?"
Weill Cornell Medicine Blog Articles
In pre-internet days-before the explosion of online news outlets and before social media, with its insulated "bubbles" of opinion-we were all receiving roughly the same information from a smaller number of television channels and print publications.
Pregnancy can be a joyful experience as families await the birth of a child, but that isn't always the case. A wide range of factors, from already-existing health conditions to lifestyle choices and more, can put a woman at risk for complications during pregnancy, all the way from the first trimester to labor and delivery.
At the Wellness Qlinic at Weill Cornell Medicine, that future has arrived. This innovative program provides free, student-run mental health services to the LGBTQ+ community in New York City and the New York Metro Area.
Since the first cases of Listeria-related infection were reported in late May of this year--the biggest Listeria outbreak since 2011--57 people have been hospitalized and 9 have died.
When it comes to losing weight, changes to your food and exercise routines are generally the first line of defense. But for some people with obesity-a BMI (body mass index) of 40 or higher-weight-loss surgery, also called bariatric surgery, can be a life-saver.
Sharing his expertise about the loneliness epidemic and what we can do about it, Dr. Daniel Knoepflmacher answers your FAQs and clarifies the major points raised in Dr. Vivek Murthy's report.
Does your partner's tossing and turning wake you up at night? How about their loud snoring? According to a survey undertaken by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), more than a third of American couples have opted for a sleep divorce--the decision to sleep in separate rooms.
Urinary incontinence is the involuntary leaking of urine. The condition can be embarrassing and distressing. As men aren't always quick to seek medical care, they may tend to ignore incontinence and hope it will simply go away on its own.
Food, glorious food! Not only is it fundamental to our survival; it's at the very heart of our lives and our diverse cultural backgrounds. And it plays a starring role in our social gatherings, whether at home or at a favorite restaurant. Our memories and our emotions, too, are inextricably bound up with food.
The air quality index (AQI) in New York City is typically around 30. That's considered "good"-between 0 and 50-and it's what New Yorkers have come to expect of the air they breathe. Some people develop respiratory discomfort with levels above 100.
David Barresi describes 2022 as one of the most fateful years of his life. In June, he found out that his wife was pregnant with the couple's first child. Then, in August, he learned that his previous kidney transplant was failing. Soon, he'd need a second transplant.
In late March 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved an over-the-counter (OTC) version of Narcan-a medication that reverses opioid overdose. Soon, it will be available in drugstores, convenience stores, supermarkets and gas stations, as well as online-no prescription required.
There are two types of patients who may undergo mastectomy, defined as the surgical removal of one or both breasts: Some patients with breast cancer (but certainly not all); and Female-to-male transgender patients undergoing gender-affirming chest surgery Losing a breast is no minor event, says Dr. Lisa Gfrerer, an assistant professor of plastic and reconstructive surgery at Weill Cornell Medicine who specializes in chest and breast reinnervation surgery.
Feature Articles
Associate Professor Nasim Sabounchi, pictured in front of a causal feedback loop diagram. Since 1999, there has been a 400% rise in drug overdose deaths, and 70% of that increase occurred in 2019 alone.
Editor's Note: This article was published prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, so it precedes the advent of physical distancing, but the accessibility to health care offered by telemedicine is more relevant than ever.] Technology has played an increasing role in connecting us for the past two decades.
Ah, the joys of pregnancy! While some women sail right through it, others endure morning sickness, varicose veins and hemorrhoids, to name just a few common afflictions of that blessed state. And a history of eczema may add one more source of distress into the mix.
LRA-Supported Researchers Developed a Model to Predict Full-Blown Lupus Nephritis Down the Road A new study funded by the Lupus Nephritis Trials Network with support from the Lupus Research Alliance has proposed a set of standardized measures that promise to improve the way clinical trials in lupus nephritis (LN) are structured and how clinical researchers report their results.
How am I ever going to talk to a girl, much less hold her hand? Am I ever going to go on a date? And even if I do, will she even want to touch someone like me? Will she feel ashamed to introduce me to her parents?
Carol Greenspun was told she'd probably outgrow her eczema once she reached puberty. That didn't happen. Then, her doctors predicted she'd find relief during and after pregnancy - another hormonal inflection point - but four pregnancies later, that didn't happen either. More recently, she hoped menopause would shake things up.
The eerie absence of historic signage marking the New Deal's achievements in New York City is striking, especially given the city's favored status as a recipient of New Deal funding. Between 1936 and 1937, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) funneled one-seventh of its total monies to New York City, earning it the nickname of the "47 th state" among Washington insiders.
Profile of a physician/scientist and alumnus of the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans program
Special issue of NYU Medical Center's internal newsletter
Nutrition Column for the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation's membership magazine
Nutrition column for patients with Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis
Celebrating the 125th anniversary of a historic black Catholic church in Harlem
Multi-author study of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in chlidren